Good Aryan stock? Check. Welcome to the Trump Youth.
at least Cheeto Donnie has at least one Campaign Staffer he can have an intellectually stimulating conversation with… do they share the same taste in comic books?
This is nice ! Fits Trump’s youthful, sunny boyish image ! I wasn’t even aware that 12 years old could vote in the USA
Who cares, twelve year olds do lots of stupid things.
Not yet, but got to love those loopholes for child labor!
OK, so he isn’t paid, he just volunteers ?
I guess it keeps him off the street and away from bad company…hm…
This is what a pubescent child with no friends looks like.
See? Who needs to spend all that money on “professional” field operations people?
In eight years, he’ll be out and supporting Kamala Harris for president, so every one leave him alone.
Poor kid. Presumably he’ll grow out of it once he reaches puberty. Most people do, although one has to admit that Trump never did.
Agreed. Once he is an adult, we can pose the Alice’s Restaurant Massacre question:
Great moments in bad parenting.
While his mother, Laurel Imer, is listed as the office’s official field coordinator, she told KDVR that allowing her son to organize volunteers as co-chair of the county office has been a great learning experience.
Ah the shadow of Alex P. Keaton is still there.
Well. He sure put a anchor on his future political ambitions.
Send him to the Group W bench right now, and skip the wait.
Are you referring to the staffer or the candidate? Would apply to either.
Probably won’t even take 8 years. I’ve seen this movie before, it doesn’t end well for republicans.