Discussion: 'They Cheated': Some Bernie Supporters Still Salty Over Clinton Nomination

Pichone voted for Green Party candidate Jill Stein in 2016 and said she may vote for a third party again if Sanders doesn’t clinch the nomination.



Discussion: Sanders supporters still insufferable


Forthcoming from TPM:

Some Athenians Still Salty Over Peloponnesian War

Some Hatfields Still Salty Over McCoys

Some Coca-Cola Fans Still Salty Over Pepsi


So how do these bern fools explain the millions more votes Hillary got than bernie? Do they have evidence of HRC staffers illeglly hacking into bernie’s proprietary data? Oh that’s right bernie didn’t have any data until he stole Hillary’s. Where are the instances of Hillary supporters threatening women and children trying to attend a bernie rally? That didn’t happen to st bern of no accomplishment’s followers because they were too busy looking for anyone smaller than themselves to bully. Bernie’s supporters are all busy staring malevolently across the ends of the horseshoe at trumpidians in a losing contest to determine who hates the best.


She got 4 million more votes than Bernie did…how is that cheating?


I believe that last one should be:“Some Coca-Cola Fans Still Salty of New Coke”

But hey at least the Bernie supporters’s cult fetish isn’t orange.


This is what Sanders did in 2016, and he is doing it again. Why he would rather have Trump than any democrat is beyond me. But he’s at it again, STILL saying the DNC was “unfair” to him and people should not embrace them and go ahead an let trump win if I don’t.

Dead Mexican children tell the tale of what that was worth. Tariffs causing US job losses tell the tale of what that meant. Betsy DeVos’ harm to children tells the tale of what that meant. Corruption, grifting and everything the GOP has supported Trump in doing tell the tale of this short-sighted petty complaint that the voters who voted for Hillary Clinton only did so because the DNC favored the candidate who was actually a Democrat and hadn’t spent 40 years badmouthing Democrats.

And this is why I will never forget that Sanders TOLD US WHO HE IS when he did not help defeat Donald Trump because Democratic voters didn’t choose him. I started out supporting him, I donated to his campaign. But then he showed me that he was out for SANDERS not for the Country, and he was willing to say “you should have picked me,” instead of “We CANNOT have Trump!”


Talk about sore losers. Sanders is not a registered democrat; he did nothing for the DNC, ever. Why should they have helped him then? We have trump today because Sanders, and his voters, were mad Clinton won. I can still picture him brooding in the stands at the democratic national convention. So, we can expect the same this time around? We are doomed.


She’s a woman, he’s a man, she couldn’t possibly have one fair and square. Plus Bernie was MY candidate therefore, if he lost there had to be trickery.

I really can’t stand Bernie anymore. He did nothing to stamp out these kinds of feelings and the only person that helped was Trump. I mean if he pulls off a win and is the Democratic candidate for President, I’ll vote for him, but I’ll be holding my nose the entire time.


Go home Bernie, you’re drunk.


while 11% said they supported Stein or Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, and 3% supported Trump

There’s your white privilege, right there in a nutshell. Must be nice to vote for Trump out of spite, knowing that you personally won’t suffer any consequences.

  • This is an AP article

  • What it is saying is true…however, it’s the context, numbers-of-people and severity-of-opinion of these “Bernie Supporters”…meaning that it should be filed–along with Howard Schulz–as a potential bleeder of some voters

  • We should look ahead, look at policy, look at our message, look at the people whom we can help, coalesce around the best candidate we can select and leave Feral Trumpers and other non-productive people in the rear-view mirror


Well this should be good for about 890 posts. Think I’ll go check out a few yard sales.


AP article…and, by the way, I do not believe that Trump will be on the ballot in Nov. 2020.


Those Bernie bros can go straight to hell.


Let’s look more carefully at who works for Bernie. Tad Devine, his campaign manager last time and this time for a while, is a notorious cheater. Who works for Bernie? I certainly don’t trust Bernie at all. He’s not forthcoming, he’s coy with personal info and he seems angry all the time, is he?


I just went and checked my calendar again, and yes, it says 2019 rather than 2016. (Maybe someone has flipped the last digit of theirs.) As already noted, this is an AP article, so consider the source. More importantly, I am making a sincere effort not to judge a candidate primarily by his or her supporters. At some point, the Hatfield and McCoy feud just becomes a self-feeding fire that consumes all.


That is clearly An Inappropriate Comparison.

Coke and New Coke are both part of the Company. Pepsi is an “Independent” who has done nothing whatsoever to advance the Company’s glorious ideals.