Discussion for article #234639
In fairness to both parties, if you are only going to vote for candidates who have no crazy relations, it is going to be a very, very narrow field.
Don’t forget about Todd Christie. You don’t expect Chris to make his own trouble all the time, right?
Is Bill Clinton really a liability ? He knows the ropes and could be a good soundingboard for HRC…
Like they say, in every family there are some in-laws and some outlaws…
They will only be an issue if the press makes them one. Maybe stick to reporting on the actual candidates and their positions, instead of this banal, tabloid, race-to-the-bottom reporting. Thanks.
Didn’t you forget to add in Huckabee’s kid, Jeb Bush’s daughter and Trump’s ex-wives?
The only thing Bill is good for is carrying Hillary’s servers. Those two won’t be getting my vote (because clearly Bill will be mucking things up as First Husband). Republicans forgave Bill in 2008. That’s when the unthinkable happened, the election of the first black president, which is much more scandalous than a phony, corrupt Democratic philanderer and not-so-closeted racist.
Sahil, Ted Kennedy was not a “former senator.” He held the office until the day he died, and even though extremely ill voted for Obama’s- and his - signature bill, the Affordable Care Act. Good to have pieces fact checked…
Well, I guess I disagree. I still find BC an impressive orator which could do wonders on the campaing trail (used sparingly).
He’s not still alive to cause trouble, but Jeb’s grandfather did business with the Nazis. Chairman of the board of a company seized by the US for their treasonous dealings. Family has a long history of trading with evil.
Nope. Big Dog is still an unnervingly good orator and he can motivate the base like nobody’s business. Turn Clinton loose improvising in a town-hall or talk-show format and he is formidable. Rafael, Ron, and the Shrub are the kind of loose cannon who make Communications Directors old before their time.
Sahil is making a significant reach to equate BC as “liability” compared to the likes of Rafael, Ron, or the Shrub. Media will play the false-equivalency game and describe Bill as equivalently a liability, but it’s bullshit: if I wanted to motivate the “apathetic” Dem base to get out and vote for HRC, I couldn’t do better than recruit precisely Rafe, Ron, and the Shrub as targets of opposition.
She’s going to win, and she’s going to win big. Not only demographics but family history support this.
He may turn into a very big liability.
The case of the pedophile financier gifting his political cronies with underage prostitutes has been pretty quiet. Look for that to change if Hillary gets the nomination:
Meanwhile, the right-wing media has been unusually reserved about the Epstein case. That’s probably because defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who is an Obama supporter but sufficiently noisy in his pro-Israel stance to pass for conservative, has been deeply implicated in the whole story and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak reportedly might be a material witness in the case. So you’ve got right-wingers and Likudniks who may get into trouble too. The whole story is unpredictable so everyone is afraid of it.newyorkobserver
Epstein gave the Clinton Foundation $3.5 million dollars:
The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank.
Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva. The Guardian
Bill. Clinton had sex with a couple women.
Dumbya Bush screwed the whole country lying us into a war that killed my son.
I will hold Jeb Bush responsible for that. my son’s blood is on his hands and he will never wash it off!
You can leave it to members of the media to find “dirt”. Or as some “journalists” at Politico say: drive the day". They excel in the art of turning a nothing burgher into a skandall! And that self-righteous crowd, especially in the North East, will not be swayed by simple questions like : “Is it true?” “What is the evidence?”. No, one gasbag will “report” some stuff and the pack will take off. And Fux News will “F the News”.
Nobody ever talks about Neil Bush, he’s the shadiest of all of them with financial dealings. On the other hand he has been good on some anti pharma stuff.
Yes, I believe “late” was the word to use, not “former”.
[quote] …members have a way of making trouble own their own for candidates. [/quote] Proofread much?
Bill Clinton will likely be a net positive this time around. Ted Cruz’s dad doesn’t hurt him with the voters he courts, and Cruz’s own rhetoric and behavior is enough to scare the Republican establishment as it is. Ron Paul is a potential problem for Rand, mostly because Rand still relies on his fathers support network as the base of his own popularity, such as it is. As for Jeb, he already starts in a bigger hole than most of his backers seem to be able to grasp, due to a tarnished family legacy. I don’t know the GWB can really make any more trouble for him. The true measure of his ability as a candidate will be his ability (or inability) to make the electorate forget he is a Bush, even as he reaps the financial and political insider support the name brings in certain republican circles.
These family members are all public figures and are thereby fair game, not private family members. While I agree that all these public family members pose problems for potential candidates, the premise is false.