Yeah they turn the US back to the crazy state Obama left it in…idiot!
“You’re I’m one election away from losing everything that you’ve I’ve got.”
Your rhetoric regarding violence disgusts me - you’d burn down this country just to save face.
At what point does playing to the fears of the white Christians stop paying off? He’s the furthest thing from a Christian.
Maybe statements like this will make even more followers lose faith in Donald like folks did of Sarah Palin.
“You’re one election away from losing everything that you’ve got,” he said
Of all the shit that has come out his pie hole over the past two years, this has me mad as hell!
He’s using the same tactics on these “leaders” as they use on their “flock”. He’s just one more level up on the con man scale.
Yes – you know us democrats – and many of us liberals and progressives - marched through the streets of Charlotte chanting
“The Evangelicals Will Not Replace us”
I know it’s true – I saw it on Info Wars.
Last week I had to worry impeachment would cause a market crash and I’d be eating Spam for the rest of my life. Wolf meet Boy.
Inciting violence is where this moronic president is trafficking now? Let him keep it up and he will be answered with torches and pitchforks to hound him out of office.
Projecting again, Donnie?
“This Nov. 6th election is very much a referendum on not only me, it’s a referendum on your religion,
You’re damn right it is, Fuckface.
From Michael Goldfarb:
And that is the heart of the crisis in America today: The Republicans are no longer a political party but a faction.
The danger of factions was noted at the foundation of the United States. In Federalist paper #10
James Madison defined faction as, “a number of citizens, whether
amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and
actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to
the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate
interests of the community.”
And, now it’s six plus days and Spanky hasn’t commented on his CFO cooperating with prosecutors.
Spanky didn’t even fire the guy!
What gives?
I think Spanky is afraid.
I think that shade of green is just a reaction to McCain’s eulogy.
“The level of hatred, the level of anger is unbelievable”
I want to praise the dotard for accidentally saying a true thing.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Unless they’re a liberal who had it coming anyway.