Discussion: These Are The Russians Indicted For Hacking Democrats In 2016 Election

It seems difficult to suggest that these individuals acted without Putin’s ok. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see an early statement from the White House claiming that they at most were acting out of personal curiosity and just having fun. Vlad had no idea, of course.
Podesta had it right. They found some witches. And Reps can’t claim these ariseout of investigations outside the purview of Mueller’s charge.
The progression of indictments shows thoroughness - and an eye for presenting them in a way to create a building narrative. I’m on the edge of my seat for the next round.


For. The. Win.


That is so perfect. Vich hunt! Vich hunt! Vich hunt!

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Leaving this here:

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We won’t get a real answer out of the White House until after Trump and Putin meet; today’s message was basic covering, not any kind of narrative. Trump needs to talk to Putin and confirm, once more, that “nothing happened”, and Putin will have to figure out how to display these guys as either good Russians being accused falsely or guys just messing around.

Timing this right before Trump and Putin meet is astoundingly precise, and going to make things interesting…you can guarantee that they are watching everything to see what people do, and using that to build the case even more strongly.


We know their Names Because Donald sent them each a personal thank you note.

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