Nice doggie!
I suspect he “threw himself on the mercy of Ukrainian police” because he didn’t want to be added to yet another “trail of dead Russians.”
That bear don’t look so “fancy” to me. Where’s his hat and tricycle?
Drip drip, motherfuckers!
We will find you. We will indict you. We will impeach you.*
- Aspirational I know, but give a boy something to dream about, will ya?
When you say “we” will impeach – count on it only if democrats win both houses of congress. The GOP is clearly showing us they are never going to impeach trump no matter what evidence Mueller finds.
It is annoying that I have to keep memorizing all of these Slavic names to keep track of the hacking and financial ties.
I’m hoping all this racist/Nazi crap will de-emulsify (is that a word? It should be…) the GOP enough to permit impeachment, or 25th Amendment remedies maybe.
Damnit, I was hoping the witness was this actual bear. He seems to know something.
Dear Team Mueller,
Please make sure this man has adequate protection from Putin.
The fact of the matter is they hold exactly the same sentiments as Herr Cockholster. It’s worth repeating:
“A lot of people will condemn. I’ve heard Ted Cruz [and] Ryan condemn what happened on Saturday. But have they condemned the way they’ve held up fixing the voting rights act? That’s white supremacy. But have they condemned the way in which they have targeted our immigrant brothers and sisters? That’s a form of racism and white supremacy. And it’s in line with the policy positions of these white nationalists.”
— Rev. Dr. William Barber, on All In with Chris Hayes, Aug. 15, 2017
He looks smarter than the average bear to me.
I just Dr. Barber!
Sounds like this hacker is on the lam/in the witness protection program to protect him from Putin.
The reporters on the Times piece, Andrew E. Kramer and Andrew Higgins, drily observe that a terrified hacker throwing himself on the mercy of the Ukrainian cops suggests the popular image of a crack team of dedicated Russian military cyberspies working to overthrow America may be overblown.
Demonstrating once again why the Times has been sucking hind teat on this story since last summer–because they don’t actually know anything about what they’re talking about.
Hackers–whether, blackhats, greyhat anarchists, whitehat security researchers, fully militarized units, intelligence and counter intelligence agencies, and hackers working as independent contractors, even the script kiddies–all work in a fluid environment where ideas and code are traded, discussed, swapped, sold, and stolen. They’re not artists whose code is their medium and who prize originality. They’re after results. All of them, spies, criminals, the ones doing it for lulz, the ones doing corporate security work. All of them are just about results and for code, or ideas they get from looking at other people’s code, that will get them results. Even to the extent they’re artists, their medium is results, not original code.
This guy realized Fancy Bear had used his code and got scared for lots of really good reasons. That doesn’t mean the Russians don’t have a crack cyberteam.
Admit it, you just wanted to post a cute bear photo!
Not a very fancy bear in the photo.
Asked who had hacked the DNC, in his opinion, Fomenko wrote “Do you think I know? No I dont know. Anyone. Who does not love the Hillary.”
Gotta admit I love this so very Russian “go f*ck yourself” comment from Fomenko.
Alert Stephen Colbert he knows a thing or two about bears.