Discussion: There's Been A Major Staff Reshuffle In Hillary Clintonland

Discussion for article #236580

That’s good news.

Hummm! Buffy Wicks? Are you sure we’re not talking about that cute little candle shop in Carmel? The one next to the Hog’s Breath Inn?


They’ll need a vampire slayer eventually. Might as well get her on board now.


The things people do to distract from Benghazi.

Will she be keeping the same email?

Oh no, another scandal!


How is it not “coordinating” to shuffle people back and forth between the campaign and the Super PAC?

Goddamnit I hate Citizens United.

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Nothing to see hehe. Political campaigns are always shuffling the staff around.

With all the Republicans entering the GOP Presidential Primary, I’m just worried that she’ll run out of stakes.

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So what does all this mean?

TPM’s reporters fail every time they can at providing context which I think is what you’re asking for. So, here’s what I’ve found.

Mrs. Clinton is relying on a mix of Clinton loyalists, seasoned Obama operatives and other key strategists to modernize and force discipline on her campaign (in other words, to avoid many of the mistakes of her 2008 primary race). At the top are John D. Podesta, a Clintonite with strong ties to President Obama; Robby Mook, known for his no-drama approach to managing Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign; and Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s longtime aide. Campaign veterans loyal to Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are running Priorities USA Action, the super PAC supporting Mrs. Clinton, which operates outside the official campaign.

In other words her team will be made up of people who were on winning campaigns


Very little, I believe.