Discussion: There Is Little Hope For A 'Republican Wave' In Guv Races

Discussion for article #226904

Governors don’t worry me that much, if only because their legislatures are usually more dangerous than they are (Kansas being the notable exception). Still, if we’re GOTV to get GOPhers out of the House, I’m not going to cry if we can get/keep them out of the State House, as well.


“There Is Little Hope For A ‘Republican Wave’ In Guv Races”

You say that like its a bad thing.


I can only speak about PA. Corbett is toast! I want his ass out of office like yesterday!


Yes, their is balm in Gilead brothers and sisters!
Gimme an amen.


Doug Douche-y won the Republican primary in AZ last night. The idea of going from haggard faced Brewer to a man that looks like he’s clutching something between his ass cheeks all the time disturbs me.

Somebody hold me.


Should I assume it goes red no matter what there? Or is there a chance for hope?

Corbett’s TV ads reek of desperation.

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The Right figured out a long time ago that EVERY elected office is important. The Wisconsin Supreme Court, which has been owned by the GOP for the last few years, has proven an invaluable asset in protecting little Scotty and in making sure that legislative changes that are made by GOPTP take root and hold against challenges.
Secretaries of State in most US States also hold the keys to the voting machines and polling places. In Ohio, for example, the execrable Husted has been so successful in sabotaging the voting process that he nearly delivered Ohio to Karl Rove in 2012, like Keith Blackwell did for the TurdBlossom and GW back in 2004.
I am sending a special donatioin each month to the SOS Project through ActBlue.com, recommend all of us here do the same.


No need to go getting all hysterical. The Repubs are clinging on by their vote suppressing, cheating, lying fingertips and are doomed to fail.
It sucks that we have to waste more valuable recovery/progress time to watch them disintegrate but that is the deal.
Starting at the top, they won’t have a shot at taking the Presidency for many moons to come. As this article explains and as the likes of Christie, Perry, Walker, McDonnell et al proves, the US has had it’s fill of Koch politics. The house is a different story but is a story of hope and patience. I/we hope to GOTV which will annihilate the teabagging bastards this year or we will have to TCB in 2016 if the ®’s dirty schemes prevail in November.

No matter what, it isn’t the Democratic Party that’s on it’s way out or that is being exposed as some sort of organized crime syndicate, it’s the Republican Party that is lost in that world.
We are looking good in many more ways than bad people but we still have to fight for more or we’ll have to live with the insurging teahadists that terrorize America for a few more election cycles.


I don’t want to get into the business of unskewing polls but I have serious doubts about this year’s polling. The reasons are simple. 2010 was historic because Democratic turnout was historically low. But when putting together a likely voter model, how do pollsters assess who would be a likely voter? Just because you sat out a historically low turnout election doesn’t mean you’ll sit out the next midterm. Its quite possible Democrats got the memo about 2010, came out in big numbers in 2012 and will do the same in 2014. It’s possible 2014 will look much more like 2006 than 2010. I just don’t know how you build a likely voter model to reflect the historic nature of 2010 without potentially oversampling Republicans.

Also, I very much believe the unrest in Ferguson will translate to higher black voter turnout than usual. If #BlackTwitter is any indication, black folk are now linking the importance of voting with incidents like the murders of Trayvon Martin, Renisha McBride, Jordan Davis, and Mike Brown. More and more I’m seeing black clergy telling their parishioners to get out and vote. That was one of the strongly delivered messages during Mike Brown’s funeral, that there’s a direct correlation between his death and blacks removing ourselves from the political process. Because if we vote Democrats WILL hold the Senate. We have the power to sway the election in NC, MI, OH, LA, AR, and even Mississippi. It remains to be seen if we’ll actually exercise that power.


I think you’re right on. I’ve been thinking this, too. The polls just don’t make sense compared to the level of public discontent.


At this point in time, I will say yes. Unfortunately.

You say that now, but don’t cry to me when Governors start to travel in packs.

And that’s the key, Plucky: we have no one to blame but ourselves if we don’t show up at the polls in November. No one. In fact, take a carload of friends with you when you go. Call people and ask if they could use a ride. Don’t let anyone use lethargy and ‘my vote won’t count’ as an excuse.


Yes, repubs are doomed to fail, but not in 2014. If they gain control of the Senate, we will see the impeachment of PBO. The last two years of his term will make the first 6 years look like a picnic.

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Yes, I just didn’t go into all of the ramifications. I did say that we will have to have some patience and may not get what we are after until 2016.
Impeachment will be all consuming for the Repubs because they damn sure aren’t legislating and need the big time waster. It is a fool’s errand and will hurt them ultimately but the smart ones aren’t running the show over there.
As they impeach, Barack will issue executive order after executive order and keep the country moving pretty much just like he has to now.

Impeachment isn’t as much a threat as it is a total cave by the Republicans.


National media follow the 35 Senate races obsessively because they’re based in DC. True that the Senate majority is at stake (although only for two years). But those 36 governors’ races have a far greater longterm impact, particularly in the big states. Ohio’s probably going to stay GOP, but of the other big states Pennsylvania will switch and Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia might. Putting aside the multiple political benefits: With Medicaid alone, that could make a big difference for Obamacare’s performance – not to mention in improving the quality of life for millions of people.

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Kansas and Maine might flip also.

Bank on it! In Kansas, Kobach, the national champion of removing voting rights will have a tough challenge to win. Even Sen. Roberts will have to work. His primary was brutal, and it has badly damaged his image. Brownback is not popular at all. He’s toast. If the Democrats work things right, the entire Kansas Tea Party might lose big time.