Discussion: The Voter Purge Crusade That Preceded Trump's Sketchy Elections Commission

Their statement that they have no preconceived opinions is pretty amusing, Electoral shenanigans were looked at starting in 2002, while the Drunken Frat Boy was in the Big Chair. After five years of screaming widespread voter fraud, what did the Department of Justice come up with?

120 people over five years.

120 out of millions of voters.


I don’t know WHAT the percentage is of normal voters that would be but I DO know the answer would include a decimal point and a whole lotta zeroes in it. Even worse for them, out of that 120 people only 86 were convicted.

Less that 100. THIS is a severe problem? Where?

Eighty-six people out of millions is not the widespread voter fraud the GOP is hysterical over. These are isolated instances on the scale of immigrants filling the paperwork out wrong because they don’t understand English all that well, or felons so unfamiliar with voting that they don’t even realize they are not eligible to register, or old folks who have voted at location A for decades and who never knew that their polling place was switched to location B four months ago.

GOP Cocksuckers do this kind of thing all the time. Sometimes on purpose. Back in 2011, there was a story where Ann Coulter had gotten into trouble for voting illegally in Florida and Connecticut in 2002 and 2008. An ex-boyfriend in the FBI helped her run out the statute of limitations in Florida but in Connecticut there is no statute of limitations. The state election commission took a look at the incident. Ann The Man was a constitutional attorney at the time, not some dishwasher who’d immigrated here from Islamabad three months ago, so pleading that she didn’t understand would be ‘right out,’ as the British say

Coulter got off on the Connecticut one too after an investigation by the commission that took 20-months to complete and an ignoring of a lot of the facts in the case–many of which were things Coulter admitted doing. You can find the particulars here: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8124

Also, some of the people on this commission are getting another bite at the apple, when they already had one at least a decade ago. Van Spakovsky and Adams are vote suprressors from WAY back and Koback is INFAMOUS in Kansas on the subject. My database alone has 181 pages on him and it’s nowhere NEAR comprehensive.


This is not gonna work out well for you, dude.

Kobach was fined by a federal judge for a “pattern of misleading the court”. He cannot be allowed to disenfranchise any more American voters.


The voter suppression panel is damaged goods. It has zero credibility outside of the GOP and it’s white nationalist fellow travelers.

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Begat Nathan Thurm

Begat .von Spakovsky. Natural Evolution. Dude even looks evil

It should be the duty of the government to ensure that every eligible voter is registered to vote, and that information required to confirm their eligibility is gathered by the government and shared with the voter (so they can take it with them when they move). It is immoral for our system to allow people to be purged from the voting roll without strong guarantees that the voter is no longer eligible. The Republicans have been playing this game with voting for a very long time, and it’s long past time they were punished for it.


Hitler came to power on Jan. 30, 1933, after his Nazi party gained about 38% of the vote. Since this was not a majority, the decision on who was to form a government (parliamentary system) was up to the President, Paul Hindenburg. He chose Hitler, who formed a coalition with some smaller right-wing parties. With this majority he passed, within a few months, laws that effectively suspended the constitution of the Weimar Republic and allowed him to rule as a dictator. The rest, as they say, is history.

And she gave speeches!!

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