Discussion: 'The View' Host: Carly Fiorina's Debate Face Looked Like 'Demented' Halloween Mask

Discussion for article #242329

This has been bugging me for about a week.




Oh, wow. Fiorina sorta set herself up for this kind of behavior. Years ago, Fiorina made a snide comment about Sen. Barbara Boxer’s looks. If I were advising Fiorina, I’d tell her to just stay above it all and not comment back … as she has done already. That said, I’m not a real big fan of attacking someone on their looks as I personally believe it belittles the person saying it just as much–if not more–as the target.


I agree there is plenty about Fiorina’s positions to attack without attacking her looks. OTOH, this was not an attack on her “face” per se, but on her “smiling face” which is a little different.


True. I got that, too. This was in response to Carly’s whining about other people’s comments … stupid move (on Fiorina’s part). Truth is … Carly Fiorina doesn’t smile a lot. She’s not a very positive personality at all. When I’m watching her, she’s almost always scowling and negative. It goes very nicely with her attitudes about those less fortunate than she, different than she. She is a very unempathetic person – and she proudly wears that ugly mask on her sleeve.


I’m just glad it was women making these remarks, or we’d be deluged with people insisting that it’s sexist to make any derogatory remarks about a woman’s looks. Sure, we can make all the fat jokes about Christie that we want or mock Trump’s hair endlessly, but we’re not allowed to make comments about a woman’s appearance.

And the thing is, I don’t even think of this as a double standard, because that’d imply that the people making these accusations were thinking at all. They’ve just got things compartmentalized, where talking about a woman’s appearance is automatically sexist and talking about Christie’s weight and Trump’s hair is fun.

I myself rarely comment on anyone’s physical appearance, since that’s not my style. But as long as people aren’t pretending that physical appearance means anything beyond their physical appearance, I don’t really see the problem. I think Trump’s remark that Fiorina was too ugly to be elected president was pushing close to the line, but technically speaking, he’s probably right, since the best looking candidates usually win. And besides, people who focus on superficial traits like physical appearance are saying more about themselves than their target.


In Carly’s case it is difficult to not do. Sorry but she is a scary looking person = I think it’s those lips and the vile, venomous hate that spews from them


Put her makeup on him, and his hair on her, and you could hardly tell the difference.


I won’t disagree with that observation. I actually felt pretty much what this host joked about … except I kept it to myself. But, now that the cat(ty) is out of the bag. Yeah, you’re pretty right on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I despise Carly Fiorina with the heat of a thousand suns, but those bimbos on The View…they are a special kind of awful.



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Rumor has it that she has a dalmation overcoat.


At minimum, siblings.

It goes very nicely with her golden parachute made from the blood, sweat, tears and salaries of former HP employees.


I’m sorry. Women on The View talking about demented women. How precious.


How about she is just a god-awful candidate who survives primarily by spouting stuff which has repeatedly been proven to be lies, particularly about Planned Parenthood and what a great job she did at HP. That is basis enough.\

But our political discourse clearly places a premium on looks first and substance second in too many cases and much as I loathe Fiorina on substance, attacks on her looks should be beneath us all.


That’s not fair. To Joker masks.

and win


I’d be okay if it were just her looks that were “demented”. But unfortunately, her policy positions can be described the same way.


Not interested in supposed liberals behaving the same as the gaggle of harpies on Faux’s daytime show Outnumbered.