Seems like there’s a lesson in here somewhere.
Seeking power without a moral compass…Lying down with dogs, waking up with fleas…bearing false witness…lacking basic self-respect…being an enabler…If he in fact feels humiliated, it was certainly well-earned.
A good life lesson for young kids everywhere. Don’t be like Reince.
Respected GOP statesman? I am no Reince Priebus scholar, but from the day he was installed as RNC chairman he came across as someone who absolutely, positively got his job by brown nosing. His superpower seems to be a preternatural obsequiousness. Trump didn’t force him to kill a fly, Trump requested it and Reince decided to do it instead of tending his resignation and going home. He doesn’t need the money; whatever his financial situation was before he at the very least has a few million coming for a book. He chose his humiliation over and over and over again. That’s not on Trump. That’s on Reince.
Edited to add: oh and let’s not forget Reince’s ultimate humiliation–going on fucking Hannity after he’s shitcanned and praising Trump and promising to be on Team Trump forever and ever. Wow.
Nice summary.
Very satisfying read. Because in the grander scheme, it really couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
I’d love to hear what he’s telling his good buddy Paul Ryan about working for Trump.
I don’t use Emojis, but if I did, you’d get the applause one here.
"Reince Agonistes" A new tragic play about a professional politician brought down by a fatal character flaw, in that he lacked character entirely.
No defender of Reince here (I live in Wis., where Reince was GOP chairman when that party orchestrated the gerrymandering & vote suppression that guarantee GOP Legislative control even when they net fewer votes)…
But will events vindicate Reince (as far as his culpability for dysfunction, chaos & incompetence within the D.ump Administration), when
Dysfunction, chaos and incompetence continue to characterize & consume this “presidency” until it mercifully ends?
In just a little over a year, Reince Priebus went from respected
GOP statesman to a discarded refugee of the Trump administration.
Well …that first part… is debatable —
Reince … and dispense —
“He once summoned his chief of staff to the room in the middle of a meeting to kill a fly that was distracting him from the business at hand, the Washington Post reported Friday.”
You have GOT to be kidding. I have zero sympathy for Reince, but my distain for both he and Trump have gone up a notch or three.
Humiliations are not enough for anyone backing Trump.
Reince fulfills my idea of what young Republicans aspire to be when they grow up.
If that’s at all possible …
Current WH occupant as primary example —
In February, Newsmax CEO and Trump pal Chris Ruddy blamed Priebus for the botched rollout of the travel ban, calling him “way over his head.”
True enough. But what does that say when he was still the most competent guy in the WH?
Oedi-puss Reince?
Remember when the funny stories in The Onion used to be fictitious?
Every bit of this was to me inevitable the minute I laid eyes on Rinse. He looks like the worm he is.
That sentence parsed differently, the first time I read it, and … ewwww. My bottle of Brain Bleach is on back order from Amazon, too …