Translation: They stiffed her. Collecting has been impossible.
Russians are people, too, not rodents, you know, and a lot of them are not FSB agents. Just saying.
Just like them Muslims, right?
Seriously, listen to yourself.
Would’ve saved them time and “headaches” if she/they just were straight about what they were about and selling, assuming they aren’t Russians…
What a nice thing to discover: the GOP is being tainted by Russians.
I’d guess because she no more cares about Trump than my old tom cat does. She’s supporting her bank account.
This has staggering implications beyond politics for information per se.
A conspiratorial cell organized to provide a wide footprint of casual to ‘hard number’ back-up for false data that either just sits on the web hidden like quicksand to ensnare any surfer or is targeted via bots, corrupted newsfeeds and old-fashioned corrupted opinion ‘leaders’.
Media needs to keep digging on this one. There is something fishy going on here and it needs to be exposed.
It’s grifters all the way down…
… she “wanted to write blogs and get the conservative view out.”
…that conservatism = fraud.
I’ll add. I never, for a moment felt a need to hide my support for Obama and I travel abroad quite a bit.
Sure it does if you consider how incompetently this badministration and their conspirators have conducted both the infiltration operations and the subsequent cover-ups.
The current “story” stinks - it doesn’t hold together, doesn’t make sense, seems like a new twist on the fiction du jour.
I think it’s unfair for her to be given grief for crassly exploiting the insatiable appetite of conservatives to have their biases confirmed and be told things they want to hear when no one takes down Ann Coulter’s twitter feed or calls her out for grifting and exploitation.
Seriously, it’s perfectly obvious what happened here. There is always a market for attractive young black women, and nonthreatening older black men, who are willing to play conservative for money. White conservatives eat that shit up and hold out their bowls for more because they desperately need to believe that their racist attitudes aren’t racist. This woman, who may or may not have accomplices, saw that market and tapped into it but she/they were hoping to just keep it low key and under the radar, and now all the attention has made them uncomfortable.
Only question in my mind is whether they actually delivered on orders.
The simplest explanation, once this situation is fed through the Trump Corruption Filter [1. Assume Trump is corrupt; 2. Assume everything he does is corrupt; 3. If there is possible corruption, he will exploit it], is that the Trumpies themselves are behind this viral marketing scam, perhaps with the usual help from their Russian friends.
That has proven to be an accurate model for every aspect of the Trump camp’s behavior so far.
Also might not be able to help themselves from overfishing these fish-stuffed barrels…
Eh, it has a lot more signs of being a traditional scam. Go back before the election and you can find the same people (including some of their Twitter accounts that were suspended long ago) pushing other non-Trump-related scams, as Josh noted. This is just an obvious one to get in on. If it was Russian bots running disinfo they wouldn’t be panicky (and for that matter there wouldn’t be real people at all to talk to).
As with Putie exploring crypto-cash or the North Koreans smuggling with anything that floats, I go with ‘all of the above’.
There’s a cure for that. Just get some of John Oliver’s Million Dollar Taint Wipes and your set!
Let’s say it’s: Complici-cated
Unless Russia is identifying inroads with sketchy folks like this and when they buy followers they send in the bots.
Please don’t use the word, “infested” when talking about people.
(Exception: Republicans.)
But lay off of people if they only happen to be of Russian descent.
@valgalky23 was refering to being infested with “bots” not people.
Bots aren’t people…although I expect the Supreme court to grant them personhood any day now…A la Corporations.