Discussion: The Toughest Debate Questions The GOP Should Answer On Obamacare

Discussion for article #222888

The GOP believes the only role for the federal government is for DEFENSE. Everything else from food inspections to Medicare is socialism. In other words, they are foul fools out only to maximize profits for the wealthy.


Let’s take this to another level…

“Congressman, can you give us an estimate of what it cost in total government services to fund the 50+ attempts to repeal Obamacare?”

“Do you have any number or estimate of how many of your constituents are still without healthcare?”

“Do you have an estimate of how many of your constituents were denied healthcare when you (or your governor) refused to accept Medicaid expansion?”

“Have you personally ever been without healthcare?”

“How many times did you personally vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act?”


You ask these serious questions as though you might get a serious answer… Just out of curiosity, Dylan…where have you been for the past decade?


It’s amazing that for a law that is more than 4 years old, Obamacare is still behind in the polls. CBS has Obamacare at 41-54. ABC News/Wash Post at 44-49. USA Today/Pew Research 41-55.

The GOP believes the only role for the federal government is for DEFENSE.

Correction: The role is MILITARY SPENDING.


But you don’t mention the fact that 25% of those opposed in these specific polls want single payer. So what is your real point.


You read my mind.
Oh yeah, the political junkies are going to be watching this sort of thing closely while the rest of the country will carry on in slack-jawed bliss and choose to cast their vote in the same way as they root for their football team.


The repubs should adopt their own version of a 12-step program beginning with No. 1, we admit we are powerless over Obamacare and our party has become unmanageable.


When it’s called “Obamcare” support is under 50%.
When it’s called the “Affordable Care Act” it polls a little under 50%
When the ACA’s elements are broken out and individually polled, they enjoy wide support.

The public has been victimized by media complicity with the Republican’s rhetorical framing of the issue.


“Over the four years, an estimated $418 million was spent on 880,000 negative TV spots focusing on the law, compared to $27 million on 58,000 positive spots”

marketing works


The Party of Hate also wished to monitor and evaluate the ovulations and the menses of every American female in her childbearing years… but not increase the tax base necessary to administer their new efforts.


Here are some tea party answers: Look at my tricornered hat, freedum, constitution, and patriotism. And you are a racist for asking these questions.


The problem here is that these are serious questions. Serious questions kind of demand serious answers, and the GOTP hasn’t had any of those for years and years – and any attempt to try and answer these questions seriously will be greeted by calls from the base of “RINO! TRAITOR! DESTROY!”

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Like most trolls, it has none. This is the kind of statistical hogwash Teahadists pull out of their ass when presented with serious questions like this. Answering those questions takes bravery, and trolls have none of that, either.


Don’t give republicans an opportunity to change the subject to “Benghazi!”

Republicans could just answer that Obamacare has mostly re-insured people who were kicked out of their plans by Obamacare and those who were given extended Medicaid just got handed over free health insurance paid for by the rest of us.

They could also answer that for those 8 millions supposedly enrolled in Obamacare, we still don’t know how many have actually paid their first and subsequent premiums. Or that this administration with Obamacare absolutely failed to enroll the estimated 35 millions of people who, prior to the law been enacted, according to Democrats were literally dying by the hundred of thousands because not insured.

Meh. Find some cute kid with a deadly disease and have one of their parents record an ad that says pre-existing conditions/coverage limits would have killed the kid. Then ask, “why do you want to kill Timmy?”

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Obviously, the answer to all those questions is tax cuts for rich people.

The implicit assumption in this story that Republicans are still capable of dealing with substantive policy issues would be touching in its naivete if it wasn’t two full decades out of date. In Republicanworld, the acquisition of sufficient expertise in public policy to answer those questions is just collaboration with evil. It’s why they sneer about “thousand page bills that no one reads” and claim no bill should be longer than eight or nine pages. Expertise is the enemy. Expertise is the realm of people who say the degenerate remnants of Republican “ideas” are infantile, stupid and dangerous.

That’s the essence of the “Gingrich Revolution.” Since that time, every last policy expert they have has either been driven from Congress or forced to act dumber than the dumbest member. They relate to political issues solely at the level of gross symbols, psuedo-anecdote and banal platitudes. And every time they attempt to deal with a policy issues substantively, the result is debacle and existential crisis, followed by bitter internal recrimination and efforts to purge the heretic who, however inadvertently, exposed the nihilism and stupidity of their ideas by proving the impossibility of translating their gibberish into practical governance.

And sadly, that’s how a substantial percentage of the voters like it.


…and the correct answer is:
