Discussion: The Senate Staffer Behind The Attack On The Trump-Russia Investigation


By their Fruits ye shall know them… excellent and comprehensive article, another reference gem for political science students of the future to link, to help clarify the way that the strange era of Trumpism unfolded.


Foster attended Georgetown Law School, and immediately after finishing went to work on Capitol Hill. He started as a legislative assistant in the House of Representatives, but was quickly tapped to work on Burton’s Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

So, according to Republican’t orthodoxy, he’s never held a real job in his life, mooching off of the taxpayers instead…


So Jason regrets his blog? His views he represented on his blog are now not what he believes? Well where is his public repentance? Or does he get a mulligan for this.


It’s like the ultimate Repub fantasy …

Lying … cheating … and stealing … behind the scenes …

All while getting paid for the dirty deeds …
by the very people you are hurting —


Jason Foster, chief investigative counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, fits the classic Wategate profile: A powerful, mostly unknown face at the center of some of the most consequential ratfucking on Capitol Hill.

Fixed it.

E.g., Another incendiary matter involved the public disclosure of the names of Fusion GPS employees, something the firm complained might endanger them. Grassley’s office blamed Fusion for the disclosure, and downplayed the risk to the employees since the firm had not provided the committee with “specific threat information.”


Helps explain why Grassley is so successful at coming across as a total, flaming asshole.


For whatever reason nobody thought it important to show us what this quisling looked like, and he looks like somebody who’d be anti Democracy


Stephen Kohn, executive director of the National Whistleblower Center, contacted ProPublica Tuesday to vouch for Foster’s integrity. Kohn said Foster was responsible for Grassley’s intervention on behalf of an FBI agent of Egyptian Coptic Christian descent, who accused the bureau of freezing him out of terrorism investigations after 9/11 because of his ancestry.

Defending a Coptic Christian does not absolve him from having and blogging anti-Muslim views.


Foster, 46, would not respond to questions about his work on the committee, and Grassley’s office said its policy was not to comment on specific claims about individual staffers.

If anyone here has the displeasure of having Grassley represent them in our gov’t, might be time to start knocking down some doors at his Iowa office and demand he 1) comments and 2) provides open access to what Foster is doing for the people of Iowa, why he’s doing it and who’s paying for it.


So some time after Obama was elected, some of his associates told him that leaving a big fat public trail was no longer a good idea.

He has probably missed his chance for a supreme court appointment.


I know, right? Grassley probably defended the Egyptian BECAUSE he was a Christian, and wouldn’t have touched a Muslim Egyptian with a ten-foot pole.



Sounds like this a-hole studied at the Gingrich school of hyper partisan government.

Great report.


No mulligan … a gimme.

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Yet another subhuman Republican swine. I have my problems with Muslim’s but I would not run from them. In the end the promise of America is the promise of humanity … to exclude any group for what they are is unacceptable and a betrayal of that promise.

.Republican vermin prattle on about American Exceptionalism. It is exceptional but not in the whoring way they think. Republicans work every day to make our nation less exceptional. I pray for the extermination of the Republican Party.

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I won’t judge him on his looks, but gosh, what a glowing recommendation for his nomination to the next opening in trumps circle. Seems a perfect fit for Chief of Staff. Any domestic abuse?

A minor aside, but the ATF Fast and Furious debacle started on bush’s watch.

Worked for Grassley—explains a lot about Traitor Grassley. Lock. Him. Up.


It’s good that his name and this information is out there now. His activities should be scrutinized at all times now.


That predates Foster, though, by a couple decades… He runs with the he®d. We used to call him “Grassfed” in Iowa City.