Discussion: 'The President Was Not Encouraging': Obama Didn't Want Biden To Run In 2016

Here’s the thing: most any Democrat was going to be seen as “a third term for President Obama.” In addition., to all the other obstacles she faced, THAT was also an issue. SoS Clinton was seen as being the strongest in the field. And, she was. other Democrat running against her and he was all but forgotten. There was an The fact that she got 3M more votes than the current occupant is important.

Some people think that Biden will flame out based on his previous presidential runs. I don’t think that’s the case this time around. Things are quite different in this current iteration of his quest for POTUS.


I concur with that. It was Joe’s if he wanted it and Pres. Obama and Sec. Clinton should have been 100% deferential. I wanted Joe to run in 2016.

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But who knows whether Biden would have lost some states that Hillary carried? Such hypothesis is quite useless. Time to move on.


The trolls who are STILL looking for anything to use against President Obama will use anything they can find and will to their final days. It really doesn’t matter which cudgel they use.


Trump may be in jail by November 2020. He certainly should be…and if he is not, that is 100% on us.

Not Trump.


Oh wow, so I am the only one who thinks this? OK.

“The Wisconsin State Journal noted that Clinton was the first major-party nominee since 1972 to shun campaigning in the state

Wow. 1972!


I agree. I just finished Martin Gilbert’s volume on the Second World War. Anyone reading that book will come away with one word (after evil and cruelty)


If we wish to get our country back, we are going to have to move aggressively against this would-be Dictator whose chief disadvantages are laziness and stupidity and whose chief advantages are Mitch McConnell.

Mitch deserves a plural form of the verb “to be”.


This. And in particular Obama’s own VP would have been seen as the purest confirmation of that. Hillary, however much “everyone hated” her, was one step removed from Obama as “only” SoS.

You can bet top dollar the Goopers would have gone to town with “if Biden gets voted in, Obama’s gonna whisper his ear… Biden’ll only be Obama’s Charlie McCarthy, his talking dummy, doing his bidding…”

Sorry, but not sure Biden would have ultimately fared a whole lot better than Hillary, actually. Just like the Goopers would have run on “scary socialist” if Bernie had headed the ticket (I believe the GOP left him in peace just hoping and praying he’d get the nomination so they could slay him…).

I like Biden, not sure he’s going to make it this time, because of his propensity for gaffes, etc., but if he makes it, I’ll vote for him. But given my choice, I want someone younger, more vital and more of a contrast (don’t really want to see the battle of the septuaganarians…).


This is such a very weird and depressing time we’re living in right now.

According to an ABC News Poll, 56% of American polled disapprove of impeaching Rump while 54% disapprove of Rump entirely. Which only makes sense if a majority of the country really sees the elections as the only remedy available to us. This is why i said before that the Rethugs have totally weaponized the impeachment process.


I think, just guessing obviously, that for the large proportion who don’t really pay attention to politics even now, day to day life is pretty normal, Trump is a weird clown, but impeachment seems drastic and unnecessary when we can just vote him out.


Totally agree. There seems to be this idea that whatever foreign interference was brought to bear against SoS Clinton wouldn’t have happened with Biden which is just silly to say the least. There’s no guarantee that Biden would have been able to appeal to the younger part of the Democratic base and I don’t think he can do it now.


Laurence Tribe was on Lawrence’s show last week and opined that Open Congressional Hearings (including Impeachment) would be a highly effective way of changing public opinion.

The fact that there is so little attention to the absolute insanity of allowing this man to withhold the display of evidence of his wrongdoing is breathtaking.

Trump withholding evidence=Trump running out the clock=rigging a cheat-vote 2020 victory


Laurence Tribe was on Lawrence’s show last week and opined that Open Congressional Hearings (including Impeachment) would be a highly effective way of changing public opinion.

I disagree with what Tribe is saying and I refer back to mattinpa’s comment. I don’t believe that the electorate is as open to convincing on this matter. The electorate of 2019 is not the same as it was in 1973. I think that for a lot of the public they either aren’t paying attention, in which case, they’ve tuned out entirely. Or, if they are paying attention, their opinions are pretty much etched in stone at this point.


Clinton and Obama were scheduled to campaign together in Green Bay but cancelled after the night club shooting in Florida. She didn’t thumb her nose at Wisconsin.


But you have to remember how aware you are of all this stuff compared to the average person. We’re like opera buffs here, we pay attention to this stuff, we argue about things, we care about it all. Most people couldn’t name three operas, and have never attended or heard one all the way through. Same with politics. It’s more consequential and they ought to, but they don’t. Even very bright people come home from work and start paying attention to food and light entertainment and not much else ever. That’s about 85 percent of the population.


I’m not trying to argue that things can’t change. I think most people sense that Trump isn’t on the level. Even his supporters, many of them, get that. He simply doesn’t act like a person with a morsel of integrity. So I think hearings could really persuade them the situation is worse than it seems day to day to them. They’re troubled. I wouldn’t rule out hearings as a way to move the dial here.


The event was “postponed”, but she never came back. The rest is history.

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I wouldn’t rule out hearings as a way to move the dial here.

Which is the reason I’m in favor of having hearings even after he’s gone. I’m just saying that the role of impeachment is just too charged and maligned.

Personally, I think that Biden’s current focus of leaning on the corruption of Rump is a very good one to focus on. In his video, he emphasized how the country has changed under Rump for the worse and would only get moreso if the country gives him another chance., I think that resonates with the electorate.


To me it indicates that Obama thought Hillary would be a good president. When she resigned as SOS after 4 years, Obama and Hillary did a joint appearance where he threw his total support behind her.
IMHO he was absolutely right. He didn’t have to do it but he made a point of it. Obama worked closely with both Hillary and Biden, there was no one in a better position to make that judgment.