Discussion: The North Carolina Fight Could Be A Watershed Moment For Trans Rights

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how hard do you suppose Scalia is trying to make a deal with Lucifer for one last opinion on the Supreme Court?

too bad you can’t bargain with a soul you’ve already lost…


I like this AG. I forget, who appointed her?


So the GOP lawsuit boils down to “we should be free to hate and discriminate whomever we want”?

Tell me again why we shouldn’t vote for Hilary?


I always find it interesting to hear the Progressives who say Obama abandoned them during his two terms in office.


What might be just as important is Roy Moore Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court has now got a drag queen on his case. How cool it that


We see you. We stand with you…

…holding our own!

Hey had to get some humor in there!

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I could listen to her speak for hours. Great voice. Calm delivery. She must have been on her debate team.


Bathrooms are, in most cases, not a huge problem.

However, the notion that unaltered males who think they are females are allowed to shower and change with non-trans girls is not acceptable to a huge number of parents of girls and to many of the girls. The trans persons are offered the opportunity of using a neutral place (often the nurse’s office), but many of them refuse to accept this.

There are several very evil provisions in HB2. It is sort of an omnibus religious hate bill. I hope focus on the bathroom provision doesn’t mean the rest of the bill gets a pass from progressives.


If McCrory loses this fall, what happens to the case? Does the new executive stop enforcing the law and the case disappear? Or is there perverse incentive for a new executive to continue enforcing the law he presumably is against in order to get that watershed moment?

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Well, just imagine a transgender who looks like, say, Caitlin Jenner going into a men’s restroom. On the flip side, imagine a very manly-looking transgender going into the ladies’ restroom. What do you think the reaction would be? I daresay that these transgendered people would simply go unnoticed when using the restroom of their choice.

In case you didn’t know, ladies’ restrooms are equipped with stalls, and what one does in those stalls is private.

I salute the Obama administration for addressing this issue, as it has indeed become a problem in search of a solution.


Shorter McRory: Our rights to discriminate are being violated.


No, that is what your beloved NC haters did (and I don’t buy the you voted for Obama twice line for a second, so don’t bother repeating it). There are absolutely zero cases of transgender people going into public bathrooms and molesting/attacking others there. None. No problem exists.

Very presumptuous of you to deliver what shall and shall not be from high atop Bullshit Mountain. But too fucking bad for you, that isn’t how things work in this country.

What predator problem? The one you fantasize about in your wet dreams about a transgendered person making sweet love to you in a public bathroom stall? Because outside of those fantasies, there is no problem…never has been and still isn’t one.


So how are you going to enforce your rule against “tranies” who don’t believe in it? Bathroom police? Citizen’s arrests of anyone who looks insufficiently feminine or masculine? “Don’t ask, don’t tell” so that anyone who comes out as transgender is subject to arrest for their previous “crimes”? A law like this is just a really bad solution looking for a nonexistent problem.

(Btw, one of the smart things about the hate-crime legislation that grew out of gay-bashing incidents is that you don’t have to be a member of the protected class for those laws to apply, you just have to be perceived by your attacker to be a member. North Carolina’s law would reverse that, so that it would be open season on short-haired women and beardless guys with hair over their collars.)


The only people making trouble will be Republican men, dressed like a beer commercial, who imagine themselves making a bold statement instead of just looking like idiots in bad Halloween costumes.


I assume you simply do not understand the dilemma transgender people are in. They have the wrong “equipment”. Think about that. What would you do if you woke up one morning with the wrong equipment? Would you happily use the other bathroom? Or would you feel disgusted with yourself for invading the private space of women (if you are a man) or feel terrified of entering exclusive male space (if you are a woman). Remember you are still you, but you have the wrong equipment. Would you tell yourself “too fucking bad” and force yourself to use the wrong bathroom?
Every. Single. Day.
For the rest of your life.


Proponents of HB2 are terrified of their innocent child meeting a transgender person in the restroom. However, they are perfectly comfortable with the person in the neighboring stall carrying a weapon and ammo.


HB2 is the problem.


Hypocritical Rightie Red Republican-dominated “Welfare Queen” states dominate the takers from the BigGummit’ they loathe, and North Carolina ranks 26th. This could definitely rock the boat in that state…and across the CONfederacy and FlyoverBaggerland (from Mississippi to Montana), it could rock their bigoted and Fundiefreak’ world.


#You just have to love this lady!

I love watching her use McCrory’s backside for punting practice.