Discussion for article #235000
You don’t sell the steak; you sell the swindle.
Judging strictly from the prices, Beck worships Mammon.
Jesus Christ on a Cracker… what next? I’m surprised he doesn’t sell one of his turds as a Holy Turd completely odorless and sanitary. It will remind everyone to have faith in the shit that they do everyday! Must have for the rugged outdoorsman that are not house broken.
And seriously, that picture of Beck with the tear rolling down his cheek just screams “GRIFTER!”
Now I know what really happened to Andy Kaufman; thru plastic surgery and brilliant scripting we are witnessing the best, longest running piece of performance art ever created. You can stop now Andy and take your bows, but please, stop.
“Can Glenn cry on demand?”
“Is Glenn a sociopath?”
Hell, I’d weep with joy if I could get idiots to spend a $150 for a picture of me with Visine rolling down my cheek!
Founder foundering…?
Founder found to be lacking…?
Glenn Bilk—
Make it a Scratch’n’Sniff picture embedded with VicksVapoRub. Charge $250!
Isn’t it a little late for April Fools articles? You almost had me until I saw the weeping Beck. That’s a joke, right? Right??
And honestly, the only reason I’d sell an autographed weeping picture of myself is just as a way of locating my stalkers, so I’ve got an address list for people to check when looking for my stuffed corpse.
Glen Beck has a clothing line that sells stuff online? Who knew!!!
Thanks TPM, I’m off getting that $200 axe now…
I suspect, that like most people, I had completely forgotten all about him until TPM ran this article.
So let me see if I understand the message here.
Glenn Beck, a self-proclaimed small-government, anti-regulation, free-market, anti-tax, anti-labor, anti-elitist capitalist is selling expensive, American-made, ‘patriotic’ goods (like $80 body wash) to counter the ‘socialist message’ of the free-market, global-free-trade corporations who make products in other countries to avoid taxes, regulations and labor laws.
Do I have that right?
Is there a picture of Glenn Beck getting punched in the face?
Just a suggestion, but a little Beard Oil and the poster of Crying Glen might make for a cheap date night, Puppies
I thought the Beard oil was for lubricating the axe to keep it razor sharp while hacking at the poster…
That depends on how much, and what kind of, feeling one has for Glen Beck.