Donnie Douchebag should slather on the Right Guard like that dude who climbs walls (linked advertising).
Never let 'em see you sweat under indictment, Donnie Douchebag!
But his emails…
I particularly like the part where he says:
“It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss)…”
Donnie, you silly boy, the Ruskies know exactly who Paulie is.
You have to know this episode confirms NYC mobsters are dumb as rocks. Otherwise they’d have taken this nitwit Trump clan for everything they have and left them to forage for sustenance in a landfill.
Weird. I click on the Like (Farcebook) button, it increments from 0 to 1 and then immediately goes back to zero. Someone doesn’t want this articled liked!
I can think of no good reason for Jr. to publish this self incriminating data dump other than as a distraction from something worse. Considering the severity of this reveal the thing they are trying to distract from must be weapons grade. I wonder what that is?
This is odd to me: If the Russians wanted to help, they could have just released the dirt. Why involve the campaign? That introduces so much risk.
So. they. all. knew.
Erlichman Jr. Haldeman-in-law, Mitchell and Dean.
And of course they told Trump that they were expecting damaging info on Clinton contemporaneously (as he announces in speech). Seems very weird he wouldn’t ask from who and you just know they told him.
Because they wanted to have something on him? The Russians always think of leverage.
OK, now I dare any of these three- L’il Don, Jared, and Paulie- to try to contact the others to get their stories straight. Who will be wearing a wire? Who ratted out L’il Don? Who is cooperating? This is too awesome!
“Why don’t you love me daddy? How about now? Pay attention to me!”
Even NY mobsters don’t fuck with “friends” of the Russian Mob/Putin.
They were all warned to back off the day Putin nabbed Trump with his money-laundering scheme to rescue Trump from his latest bankruptcy. Since then Trump has been the go-to-guy for the Russian Mob/Oligarchs to do their money-laundering via sham sales of his NY and Miami properties and nobody dares interfere with that, especially NOW that he is President.
You don’t throw leverage like that away by threatening the mark, you use it to get the FBI and SEC off of your backs to let you do “business as usual”.
He’s gonna be on Hannity tonight according to Drudge. So you KNOW they are in full panic mode.
Been thinking about that.
He only did it once news broke that the Times had them. Yesterday, the story was only that the NYT had sources familiar with the contents of the emails. Overnight, the Times got the actual emails which show that even Junior’s story of yesterday was a lie. So if you’re Butthead’s lawyer, which bad story, a) “Butthead releases incredibly incriminating documents! WTF?” or b) “Incredibly incriminating documents show Junior was lying yet again!”, do you want running today? At least the latter forestalls yet another credibility-destroying impeachment exam point.
Jus’ saying.
Wow – he pouts just like senior.
Several wonderful implications here. 1) the Trumpites cannot dismiss this as fake news concocted by the NYT. Junior had to get it out there to look like he willingly confessed, but undermined the natural defense of their fringe supporters. 2) Whoever released this stuff is really close to the center of things, which means they probably can expose another person, then another, then another. 3) I don’t have to read Cailtin Johnstone defending Trump any more in Medium. 4) There is really no way to deny this link any more. Oh, they might say Goldstone was just a rogue actor, not really connected (the Crown Prosecutor thing might be the hook). But I think they have to start minimizing its importance. That won’t fly either, as long as Russian foreign policy goes where it goes. Maybe they just revert to the core belief of their most rabid base: I like the Russians better than Democrats because they’re whiter.