Discussion: The Lie Of The GOP’s Response To The ‘War On Women’

Discussion for article #222295

How do we know Land really IS a woman? “Some say” Terri Land may not be a women.


I’m trying to think who would actually buy into the GOP’s positions that (a) they’re not anti-women because hey, they have women members; and (b) the War on Women (horrible expression–why did the Ds latch onto this?) is some cynical Democratic contrivance . . . and I think Republican women are the ones to whom these memes would probably make sense.

Land herself may be a lost cause, but maybe we should be talking to women on the Right more. They can’t all be crazy, and they can’t all be this unrealistic about repro rights.

She may be a GOP Stepford Bitch…

If you want a good laugh, go to Land’s web site and read her positions. Of course everything will be great if we can only have more tax cuts and less regulation. She’s a joke, but not funny.


I think you just seconded ComradeAnon’s theory, as you note that the GOP has women members.

This doomed GOP strategy is just forcing a lot of these “nice” women out of their Girlfriend from Hell closet. They have been laying low till now behind their crazy male counterparts. Now they will have to defend positions that are very unladylike and definitely not mainstream. Come forth, Sister Women, and show us you baggage.


They have Gays and Black people too, but huzzah, they treat them even worse than women and they still come back for more.

This just tells us that a certain small percentage of every group has to play dumb and blindly cling on to the party rhetoric despite literally being shat on, they aren’t really there to progress their own rights.

Yes, the Faux Nooz tactic. Beautiful.

Stockholm syndrome is real.

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Won’t someone think of the zygotes? Anyone?

I’m not a racist! I had a black friend in college! Land is nothing, even if there was no war on women!