Discussion: The Last Abortion Clinic In Missouri Wins Temporary Restraining Order Until June 4

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Planned Parenthood is NOT an abortion clinic.


Just a reminder.


The Missouri health department is maintaining that the license will not be renewed unless all the doctors who practice at the clinic submit to questioning.


“Republican Gov. Mike Parson jumped aboard the band wagon after signing an eight-week abortion ban into law last week, insisting that the clinic had committed many ‘violations,’ though he declined to elaborate.”

The GOP wants to “keep government out of healthcare”?

The GOP opposes “regulatory burdens”?

The GOP is the “Party of Freedom”?

Only in some black-is-white, up-is-down, bearded-Spock parallel universe.


Millions upon millions of women will surely flock to the polls in 2020 and vote Republican, giving a ringing endorsement to the continued misogyny they’ve come to hold so dear.


The only logical explanation at this point is that they are from the bearded-Spock Universe and screwed things up so badly they are coming here to “get it right this time” (i.e. do it all again).


I’m not worried, I know the generous and abundant welfare of Missouri will take care of all of those extra babies and their mothers and their siblings as long as is needed.


Clearly Gov. Parson and the Missouri Legislature are looking for a “kangaroo court” decision in this matter. Let us hope and pray that this Federal Judge sees through their specious tactics.

Bill Barr says the clinic owners have told him all along they want to close the facility.


This has always been the goal, the anti-abortion movement figures its best play is to outlaw abortion effectively instead of legally. States have continued to chip away at access, and now many red states have only a couple clinics left that perform abortions. They are hopefully overplaying their hand with all these new laws, the majority of the nation still thinks abortion should be legal and available and will likely not allow the nation to turn back to back alley procedures. We can hope it turns into a movement to get the government out of the doctor’s office, but that is going to take giving the Democrats the government back, any Republican involvement will continue these shenanigans.


Yeah, and the majority of the nation thinks Hillary Clinton should have won the Presidency. And that climate change should be addressed. And that our election systems should be protected from outside meddling. And that the criminal justice system should treat all people equally, regardless of their race or station in life.

But what most Americans want doesn’t mean a damn thing. People need to disabuse themselves of the notion we reside in a representative democracy. Your interests are represented however the people with money and power deem fit, and you’ll be given no more than absolutely necessary.


I hope someday we will live in a country where reproductive health clinics are as plentiful as gun stores are now, and every state has only one remaining gun store where customers who wish to enter must run a gauntlet of the parents of children massacred by AR-15 wielding maniacs shoving pictures of their dead children in their faces.


Would be nice if the article had mentioned that that questioning involves whether providers are sexually molesting women in accordance with the law by shoving their fingers up her before performing an abortion.

And that they refuse to answer questions because they’re not performing State-mandated sexual assault.


These people are obsessed with womens’ 'ginas. What gives, you filthy minded misogynists? Missouri should rightfully be embarrassed by this. That said, these attempts to send women back to the stone age should, logically, backfire at the polls. It is unlikely that Spock, in any dimension, would be against full reproducive services for women.

…I see the flaw in your thought process…


Hey now MO wants to be the first state without a clinic that provides abortions, and we are already the only state that doesn’t have a state wide prescription drug monitoring program, my county does, but hey Republicans want to protect people’s privacy. We also don’t have REAL ID compliant DLs because something about keeping government out of our personal lives, and if you live in MO you don’t have get training and certification to conceal carry within the state because FREEDOM from government overreach.
Ya’ll come see me sometime.


We don’t call them flyover states for nothin’

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So ya’ll males better watch out, females may just evolve to do without youse guys.
WARNING: Scientific study explained.

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Fake news. Ain’t gonna trust that scientific theory bullshit. My facebook group tells me it’s all a plot by the government.