Discussion: The Justice Department Says ‘Zero Tolerance’ Is Still Policy. But How?

When pressed for specifics, the spokesman said:

“Our policy is zero tolerance for ethics, oversight, honesty, due process, and humane treatment of brown people. We are confident in our ability to carry out our mission.”


McAleenan told TPM in a separate statement: “We’re [DHS] working with DOJ on how we can streamline the process where we can have the parent prosecuted and still only separate the child for a few hours or less.”

DHS has removed children from families for “a bath” and have not returned them. Why would any family applying for asylum believe DHS?


By getting Flores repealed by the SCOTUS on the grounds of national security…just like the SCOTUS ruled yesterday in trumps favor on the Muslim ban…

Thats how

Watching 71 year old white racist Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III talk about policy and understanding that he is the most powerful law enforcement officer in the US never fails to make me want to run into the street screaming and tearing off my clothes. Got nothing clever - this guy was raised racist, has always spoken racist, has been a racist all of his life and has been rewarded mightily for this.


Orwell’s casket just exploded.

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Why would [this] DHS want them to? The point is to sow such fear, uncertainty and distrust…to treat them so inhumanely and in such a demeaning, degrading and ultimately damaging manner…that the message “IT IS NOT” is sent loud and clear to anyone else who thinks in their desperation that America is the last bastion of safety and humanity in a world overflowing with dangerous inhumanity.

I mean, the plan is LITERALLY to snuff out the shining beacon on the hill, so that they’ll stop trying to get to it…stop even thinking of it as something worthy or even safe to arrive at in the first place.



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Weird. I thought it was once not a policy.

What serious criminal activity is Sessions trying to protect by diverting all of his border resources to this silly zero tolerance policy.

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Trust Republicans to make a little sadism go a long way.

Sessions: What are they going to do about it… take it to the Supreme Court.

Unfortunately, it seems he has a point, the republican majority on the court will simply overrule U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw’s ruling

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An invasion of ‘those’ people.

Kennedy retiring …saddest of days for any court defense against tyranny.