Discussion for article #235060
Spot on. Agree 100%.
…and TomCotton’s doing all he can to sabotage it…
“the hard water reactor at Arak …”
It’s a heavy water reactor, no water softener technology is needed. I hope the writer’s grasp of the diplomatic details exceeds that of his technological grasp.
Obama has had amazing and unparalleled successes. He is very under appreciated by Americans. Just a brilliant man with nothing but the interests of our nation and the world at heart.
The water in my community is so hard we have to put extra effort in to avoid nuclear weapons developing in our pipes.
if obama pulls this off, he’s definitely earned that nobel.
Why is this an image of Kerry talking with the Saudis?
Different country and people.
Except Chuck Schumer and a lot of Republicans are very upset about it. Where are all those people who thought Chuckie was a great choice to be the Dems Senate leader? That is just a horrible decision.
Yes, from one dick who voted for the Iraq War (Reid), to another puppet.
What part of “leader” are people missing here, because Schumer is a puppet.
Which is to repeat whatever Bill Kristol tells him to say or sign whatever Bill Kristol dictates over the phone to him. And to get some of his felow Adelson $$$$ recipients to parrot and sign as well.
I’ve never really seen Iran as the bad guy here. A US engineered coup in 53 overthrew Iran’s democratically elected leader, Mosaddeq for having the audacity to request an audit of the Angle-Iranian Oil Company who were screwing his people who he wanted to fairly profit from their own oil and installed the puppet Shah and his despicable US trained secret police the Savak. I see the 79 embassy takeover as Iran finally kicking out the sleazebag invaders responsible for every dirty thing the Shah and Savak did. The Iranians signed the NPT (Hello Israel) and have abided by all the provisions yet America still feels the need to keep a boot on their neck and the Europeans have meekly followed along. Will the US EVER practice what it preaches in place of it’s current two faced approach to international diplomacy?
We need to keep the idiot tea gop wankers and some dems out of this… Call corker,cotton et al and demand they give PEACE a chance…
They were never at the table for a reason… The Framers saw the possibility of having congress people that have never been out of their backyard try to ignorantly bully people and Nations they have NO KNOWLEDGE OF or Interest in elected by their ilk without a passport and afraid of the ‘other’…any other that is not white male! ! Little men and small minds with big egos!
Burn up the lines and at their local offices—they are on the 10th vacation of the year…
1.866.338.1015 or 1.866.220.0044
I am surprised that there has been no discussion here since the weekend. Kerry’s efforts appear to have payed off beyond anyone’s expectations, and I, for one, am thrilled. Here is a piece by Roger Cohen praising the diplomats and lambasting the naysayers (Netanyahu, Rubio). Anyone else out there think we are turning the corner away from the Saudis and towards Iran? Thoughts on where this is going? This all seems huge to me.
What is clear is that Iran is much further from a nuclear weapon because of the courageous diplomacy of Obama and Kerry and Zarif and the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, who all confronted hostile constituencies at home to get the deal done.