Discussion: The Inside Story of Hobby Lobby's New Bible Museum on the National Mall

Oh no. I spent a lot of my childhood and adolescence going to the DIA on a regular basis. My mom always had a membership. I never went there as part of a field trip from school however. The DIA has one of the best collections of armor from the Dark Ages and Medieval times. And of course the Diego Rivera mural in the opening foyer as you walk in is one of his best. The DIA is not just a good museum…its a great museum. We agree…its a gem.


Perhaps its the closest they’ll ever get to being martyrs for their Lord and savior. Victimhood is a form of martyr complex.

Right. If they got to put it on the Mall, something has gone very, very wrong.

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Re the Phillios Collection:

It took me way longer than it should have to get that! Lol

Yeah, but there are an increasing number of Christians that consider them self such but really are not part of a church or specific group.

I suppose the gift shop in this place will be filled with the same junk from China that Hobby Lobby sells.


More fake Christian grandstanding.

I have been there and it’s a wonderful museum. There’s a huge diorama of a circus, plus many posters, history, etc.

Bible Study, the Monroe Doctrine-

from the series, “Churches ad hoc: a divine comedy”

Made me, well, you know, LOL.

I agree with SR… Persecution is or may be evidence of righteousness.

Mmmmm, Vernor’s

Mmmm, crabs.

Noah had a “study” on the ark? I did not know that.

Prolly no wet bar, though.

Like every other Christian knockoff of a secular entertainment experience, the whole thing is fated to come off as derivative, cheesy, and amusingly trying too hard.

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Does it ring the irony meter on anyone here that this Bible Museum is just a quarter mile away from where you can see models of Dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum? Two extinct things so close together.

These ventures inevitably succumb to diminshed attendance and financial travails. There is inital enthusiasm, but unlike the Smithsonian, the Louvre or even a high end amusement park just how many times can you pay to walk through this? Once and done is the rule by and large. PTL’s Heritage USA is defunct. Ken Ham’s Kentucky boondoggle is forever in peril. Give it 10-15 years and this building will be housing a GAO office hive or some such usage.


As mentioned earlier, he is partially spending “our” money, the part we subsidize through his “church” tax breaks.