Sarasota is supposed to be a nice place – probably well worth putting on your bucket list!
Gott Mit Uns - God is with us - was on the belt buckle worn by the Wehrmacht during WWII.
I am Christian, and I find this frightening. Christianity shouldn’t be propaganda. This is nothing more than propaganda.
You’re lucky being from Virginia that you could go to all the historic sites in DC as field trips when you were in grade school. In Detroit, we went to the Detroit News to see how newspapers were mass produced on the printing presses, hung to dry, folded and sent out for distribution. Also, we toured the Ford Motor Company’s River Rouge Complex and saw how cars were mass produced on the automobile line, including their coke ovens and foundry works at the time…sparks flying and all. Then there was the Vernors Ginger Ale and later the Faygo Pop bottling plants to see how soda pop was mass produced on the line.
You can kind of see a theme here, can’t you? That’s the Rust Belt for you…Circa 1960s. Maybe those teachers were preparing us for what they thought was in our future, and for many that’s exactly what it turned out to be…or, maybe it was just regional pride.
Either way…the production line was and is American ingenuity at its best.
Christians are the majority by a lot, though you wouldn’t know it from their whining. In the aggregate they’re still over 70%; the next largest group is the non-religious at 15%, and that includes disparate groups of people. Of course, the Greens wouldn’t consider most of them True Christians.
“I may not believe your Utter Nonsense, but I would fight to the death to defend it!” --Sez Eigh
Public schools should never have field trips to any religious monument, museum, church or temple. Period!
If the parents want to brain wash their children, they can do it on their own dime.
Division of church and state!
Why in a tax-free museum? They paid 50 million for this space. What if they had to pay for it after taxes? It is a completely insulting mess that they can get tax-free status to promote their bull-shit.
I wonder how the board of directors of the Holocaust Museum feel about this Disneyfied farce of a “Bible” museum being within a stone’s throw from them?
Since these people mix-n-match the Old & New Testaments, I expect one will need a scorecard to keep track.
I may go, just to see how many of their “sacred relics” turn out to be cheap forgeries, or even plastic, made in Japan or something.
since the Greens disagree with the separation of church and state phrases in scripture how can they proclaim the inerrancy of the Bible?
Yes and no. They’re tax exempt so not quite private sector. Tax exemption is effectively a public subsidy.
If they were paying taxes and doing this then, yes, I’d have little objection.
I agree - the International Spy Museum is worth a visit, even though it isn’t free.
The museum’s president’s claim that “The subway stops in Washington are ugly" shows a complete lack of aesthetic sense on his part - Harry Weese’s stations are wonderful, among his best work.
The TPM story omits the opening date, which the (linked) NPR story says is November 2017.
Tax exempt status for religious organizations is complete bullshit!
“Survived … the Phillips Collection” seems to suggest that you think that the Phillips Collection is a bad thing - it is easily one of the best small art museums in the United States, or even in the world.
I don’t get why christian evangelicals want to be victims.
They should really call it the Reward in Full Museum.
Betcha it will be a huge black hole money drain for them. I don’t believe there could ever be enough visitors for it to be self-supporting. Hopefully this keeps them from putting all of their money toward Republican politicians that are trying to move the country backwards.
Such a shame you never went to the Detroit Institute of Arts, a fantastic art museum and gem of Detroit.
Where will the giant needle be with a camel crammed into it? Out front I hope!!
Will there be a 'Loaves and Fishes 'buffet? What about the “He Who is Without Sin cast the first Scones Cafe”?
Will the Food Supreme Court have napkins that say 'Judge not lest ye be judged?
I’m guessing not on all counts.
Almost forgot … I hope they have a Kamal Salibi wing ( ) … that would be a hoot!!
Who wants to see a bunch of screwdrivers?