Discussion for article #232811
That bill’s a ringer; it’s something offered for public consumption but not what they really want.
Here’s the real Republican replacement for the ACA:
- You’re sick? Not a problem; we accept cash.
- No money? In that case, you may wish to get your affairs in order.
What a pile of horse manure.
OK - I just read their so-called “replacement legislation” and it’s pretty much the ACA.
Now, as to whether or not it can be approved by an all GOP congress remains to be seen.
How’s this for a sure fire game changer replacement for Obamacare: 1. abolish disease 2. abolish old age 3. outlaw poverty and 4. make the USA the new f–king Eden.
Two unicorns in every pot.
These people, and I use that term lightly, are the biggest group of liars ever assembled on the face of the earth. Republicans. pshaw
Here’s the Republicans’ new philosophy on reality:
Y’all are in what we call the reality-based community, people who believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
They really do think they can bend reality to their will.
Pass legislation? This bunch? No way. The republicans couldn’t pass a turd on the eve of their colonoscopy.
These people are useless. They have been relying on the Dems to give them cover–someone is doing something—while they take their silly stands. But now they have the wheel and they have NO idea how to pass legislation or do anything effective at all.
This welfare congressman once again trying to screw the public.
Fitting that a picture of the Master of Flim-Flammery, Paul Ryan, accompanies this article. He of the magic asterisk and “dynamic scoring”. He has a reputation as a policy wonk, but he’s just a scammer.
Well, they do make good use of active verbs, considering that the actual probability of any positive action from this mob is vanishingly small.
It gives the appearance of accomplishment in the same sense that jumping up and down in one spot does. Much energy is expended, but there is no horizontal displacement.
They will do it better; they will do more of it; and the doing of it won’t cost anything.
So their replacement is basically the ACA…so if it were to pass they then can take credit for the ACA.