More, please…
I guess I’ll send my thoughts and prayers to NRA.
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot wipe the smile off of my face!
The mystery to me is that with all of this chaos, money and illicit arms floating around, nobody had any time at all for sex with Butina. It just doesn’t add up.
NPR’s Tim Mak has been live-tweeting from the convention - it sounds implosive!
a sampling of his tweets:
Who knew not having any morals or ethnics would have consequences?
More popcorn please.
To misquote Billy Idol, *”It’s a great day for a circular firing squad!”
North: I know we have money problems 'cause I stole 40% of it.
Question: How much popcorn is too much? I may be approaching a level of Redenbacher-toxicity.
Well, all of this is just brightening up my weekend no end.
Dare I hope that the GOP is the next to implode??
Maybe this bunch can sign up to be a troop leaders at their local Boy Scouts. Oh wait! not the Boy Scouts.
I had to push the popcorn away an hour or so ago. Instead, I am developing a pain in the neck from rubber necking at the train wreck.
You’re a stronger man than I am, I haven’t been able to push it away, plus I’ve needed to use the restroom for the better part of two hours. I think I may be doing myself permanent harm.
I expect even WORSE cronyism in the near future
Sounds like the NRA is suffering from some of that confabulation and unprecedented internecine warfare that has been out and about in the atmosphere of late.
I see what you did there…
There is nothing so satisfying as watching a dog -eat-dog contest between two utterly worthless people, turn unto a dog-eat-dog-eat-dog international spat.
Luckily, the NRA shows its hypocritical soul by banning guns at its conferences and meetings, as well as its headquarters, while insisting that teachers go to kindergarten armed with loaded weapons.
This implosion could not happen to more deserve group. They earned it fair and square, probably the only thing they have earned.
Their Russia connection hasn’t come up once, yet. Considering the NRA’s past, and their former positions on the USSR and Mother Russia, the idea that they would cooperate in getting Trump erected still causes my jaw to drop.
Being “hung” refers to porn artists. Being “hanged” involves a noose.
Given his obvious character flaws, paranoia, and need to procure ever larger weapons, and more, it is obvious that LaPierre could never match the the job requirements of the former.
Here is a Hobson’s choice:
If you have one noose, and two candidates for hanging are Ollie North and Wayne LaPierre, I could see another fight break out over who should go first.
Funny how the shit hit the fan right after Trump gave his big sloppy NRA speech.