Discussion for article #231808
It is one thing to use legal action to enforce the law. What Republicans are doing is different, they are trying to relegislate in the courts. King v Burwell is the farthest advance of this, advance a case on the thinnest of pretexts, recruit phony plaintiffs, just to get a cas ein front of the court to try to chip away at the law.
When States are mandated to perform certain functions they believe our outside the Constitutional authority of Federal Government, what are they suppose to do? I also noticed that there were quite a few multi-state case from 2001-2009 doubled (~19 - ~40). The number of cases increased from 2009-the highest level from (~40 - ~50) that is far less than under the previous administration which if I recall was that of a White Republican Male.
I understand that facts go against the liberal/progressive narrative that Republicans oppose Obama because he is a Black man, but the truth is Conservative Republicans oppose Obama because he is a Statist. The same reason they will oppose Hillary, Warren, Biden, Pelosi, O’Malley, etc… because the Democratic party has been taken over by Collectivist who support the concept that the Federal Government’s authority should trump individual liberty in every aspect of a person life.
Nonsense. They oppose him because he beat their pants off and they didn’t see it coming. They oppose him because he is a success, when they tried to make him fail.
And yes, many of the people who oppose him, the ones who have said vile and nasty things about him, do so because he is Black. Many Republicans (conservative or otherwise) are racist
Look at the ACA. It was a Republican idea. They only oppose it now because OBAMA supported it, was instrumental in it’s passage and signed it into law.
“Statist”, my ass.
IIRC a decade ago, New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer got 49 states to go along with him in challenging the federal government on subprime mortgages and predatory lending practices.
That lawsuit, if it had prevailed, might have made a difference in avoiding some of the worst effect of the housing bubble and subsequent crash, if the Bush administration had not quashed it.
Republicans are suing to take away people’s health insurance. I’m not buying any triple bank shot theories about any loftier motive on their part.
Can this banner be changes to “How GOP Attorneys General Are Suing Obama Over Any And Everything”?
I got through the whole article and only uncovered that “attorneys general offices are becoming more politicized than they used to be” and “AG’s are funneling filings from their primary stakeholders.”
Yeah, they scored a temporary win by shopping for a partisan hack who was appointed by a partisan hack.
Obama a statist? Talk about left field…
So what do you think these states should do if the Supreme Court goes their and your way and strikes down subsidies in the 36 states served by healthcare.gov?
I kinda disagree that these legal eagles would sue ANY Democrat - maybe a female. BUT, I believe the bottom, unstated line is that these people CANNOT STAND the idea that a non-white occupies the White House. HOW DARE HE!!!
Republicans are dicks -news at t 11
They couldn’t defeat tis uppity N twice so what else is there to do bit try too delegitimize him and try to disgrace him and his family. Let that be a lesson to any more uppity Ns who think they can run for President. Mfers. Death and suffering is too good for them
You’ve asked the rhetorical question that they have no answer to. Dismantling ACA and subsidies is as far as they got. They have no “replace” policies ready to go. Some of the R Senators questioning HHS Burwell asked exactly that of her. Clearly they want the Democrats to figure out what to do if Rs are successful in dismantling subsidies. Burwell is a defendant and could not speak to their questions. It’s as if an arsonist burned down his house and then asked how in the hell was he going to rebuild it without insurance.
Republicans unsuccessfully sought answers from Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell about what the administration would do if the Supreme Court invalidates subsidies in federal exchange states. Meanwhile, a bipartisan bill to exempt veterans from the health law’s employer mandate would add $900 million to the deficit, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Riiiight. And which party has passed laws that require women to be raped with a vaginal ultrasound when in need of abortion? Which party wants to usurp an individual’s doctor’s authority over how to treat their medical conditions? Which party wants to keep LGBTs from enjoying the benefits of marriage? Your party wants the federal government in my vagina, womb, and bedroom.
Great piece of reporting. Kudos TPM.
You go girlfriend. Put him in "his"place
IIRC - I must admit I am slow to the party, but that’s a good way to save some typing. Thanks. I must remember to us that in the future -= if I can ever recall correcty.LOL
Article fails to mention ALECs involvement & influence on state lawmakers to repeal or gut ACA.
Another TPM article asks a question with a blatantly obvious answer: Because they don’t have to pay any price to do so.
Anyway, I’m just thrilled that TPM managed to say “attorneys general” rather than “attorney generals”. A low bar to clear, but still a pleasant surprise.