Discussion: The Embarrassment-Averse President Goes All Out To Ensure Smooth Convention

I never said there won’t be tons of damage to fix. Some of it may take generations if it ever is. But a scorched-earth retreat is still a retreat, and people who do it are losing.


Forget the GOP reaction. The media tutt-tutting would be deafening.


Nobody in Russia makes a dome unless Putin gets his cut.

taken to the books

oh - and great headline Ms Riga

Nah, Bannon is coming back for it

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They know, you know, and I know, that that is an impossibility

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I’d love to see all the Dems whisper in to their hands leaning toward each other and snicker every time Trump made a statement. It would set him off much like Nancy’s calling the shutdown Trump’s shutdown in that WH meeting last month.

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If you have one of those tv’s that plays 2 shows at once, you can watch Mr. Ed and just hear the audio of 45*

nailed it

actually, I think that’s rather sweet

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yes, especially since
“No Fat Chicks”
was already taken


That is brilliant, please accept the 1,000 likes button


can’t wait to see what Melania will wear - besides her usual warm and loving smile that is


You’re mellowing my harsh, Bro.


You mean CA replacement?

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I suppose that they might have to go so far as to ban Chiselin’ Trump, himself, from speaking at the convention.

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Shirley, you jest.

He’d just tweet anyway, and that’s even worse – they can’t keep that behind closed doors.

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I’d be more likely to have the Mango Menace on screen and be listening to Mr. Ed. Makes more sense. (As soon as tRump comes on the screen, I reach for the mute button. If that’s out of reach I make a loud humming so I won’t have to listen to the lies.)

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Every once in a while, something here changes your entire world view. Thank you for the morning’s first laugh.

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