Discussion: The Elephant In The East Room: Michael Flynn Escapes Scrutiny In Trump Presser

Same Elephant, different year…


That Daily Caller reporter is definitely going to be punished when she gets back to the office.

She was very clearly instructed to ask: “So tell us again … how big was that landslide you won by?”


Sinclair (owner of the local WJLA 7 reporter) distributes a Sunday show with Sharyl Attkisson, for an idea of the corporate sympatico.

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Best line from SNL
"Can we please have one day without a CNN alert that scares the shit out of me "


Posted elsewhere but bears repeating with link. The encryption stuff is stunning, an actual consciousness of guilt.

So many questions. Why were some of his conversations with the Russians encrypted? What was he hiding? Why didn’t Putin retaliate in kind (as has happened every time) for the December sanctions less than 24 hours after they said they would and after Flynn talked to the Russians? Reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes story about the not barking dog- question is not whether the dog barked but why the dog did not bark?


Kaitlan instantly whipping out the “fake news” tweet should get herself a fluffy sit-down, maybe a lap?
And the other ‘selected’ was “told to appear”…how Hitler-esque.
Daily distribution of Ivanka’s retro Pervitin tablets should make the reporters happier and more pointlessly productive.

“Mr. Prime Minister, how concerned is the Canadian government about sharing intelligence with the Trump administration, given the apparent presence of several Russian moles inside the White House?”

Asked the reporter from MyDelusionalPipedream News.


Yea, is this the Jupiter betting line?

It is? Good

I wanna put a bet on Flynn staying past tax day.

What’s my collateral? Six Hostess Golden iced cupcakes and a six pack of Dr. Pepper.

Cc: @clunkertruck

@Squirreltown (yes ill accept acorns)


On Saturday night, Donald Trump dined with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Reports have come in from all over that the two world leaders took calls about North Korea’s ballistic missile tests in front of other diners. Paying members of the social club had the added bonus of entertainment with their meals, as they got to watch Abe and Trump deal with an international crisis. They posted about it on Facebook and other social media like it was just a really fun, exciting night:

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I’d be in if it was Mug root beer …

Oh…and pics of the football man –




petraeus would be much better. he’s not beholden to russia. putin would probably nix it.

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Said this in the Hive n ill say it here

Those mf’s are trying to outrun Langley.

N they are trying to do with it sympathetic media.


This just gets worse doesn’t it? I don’t know why the FBI or CIA doesn’t just march Flynn out of the WH in handcuffs already for this stuff. It just seems that he’s already broken more than one law in his dealings with Russia. In fact, we’re really in Aldridge Ames territory if you think about it.


Hard to do if you don’t ever " practice " …ha ha —



If recent history is any guide, then new appointee would indeed be lousy. Maybe not an obvious traitor though!!

I know that there are some who would wish to stop all this bickering who unlawfully betrayed whom!

If he goes, expect Flynn to be compensated with a cushy new Administration job and giant office with comfortable salary, outside of Washington perhaps, with limited duties and responsibilities.

Trump could re-market this into National Security Celebrity Cruises…highly lucrative and ‘floating terror target’ part of the high-end sales pitch and include an actual meeting of the National Security Council…General Flynn, Dennis Miller, Frank Gaffney, Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell examples of other ‘crowd draws’ with Trump choppering in for a quality hour or two…$$$


Once again, srealdonaldtrump seems to be the only one to ask the most important, most obvious question (about her shoes):


N Flynn better hope those are cookie recipes that he was talking with dude about.

Btw that encryption don’t really mean crap to the intelligence community.

Now it means that Flynn is guilty of at least the Logan Act.

The q is though: is it more than?

Fuck it

Flynn is staying past tax day.


“What we got from the reporters the White House hand-chose, a Daily Caller reporter and a Sinclair Broadcasting reporter, were two– What you could call softball questions…” MSNBC’s Katy Tur said on air after the press conference.

***I sense something nefarious afoot.................***