Discussion for article #247543
What losers! I am the #1 biggest threat! And the classiest too! Sad!
And yet, just the other day the liar in chief was bragging that the Economist said good things about him.
Yes. And this is a global threat the Republicans find much more acceptable than any Democratic Party candidate. They really need to get over that victory or chaos attitude.
this morning… Nobody cares what the Economist says…
on the other hand… Nobody doesn’t care what the Drudge Report has to say…
Eight years ago at this time I was stressing out because my retirement account had lost half it’s value. If that happens again I’m going on a shooting spree.
Also, anyone who says we should repeal NAFTA is full of shit. North American countries are so tightly integrated that repealing NAFTA would cause an economic catastrophe effecting millions of people.
He’s delusional. I don’t mean I believe he’s wrong about a thing, or wide of the mark, or that I strongly disagree. I mean delusional as in fucking nuts. His mind cannot process criticism the way a healthy person’s can. He simply denies that he’s being criticized or denies the possibility that it could be valid. It’s spooky when you see it happening.
Trump: As I expected, the world is scared of me. If they dont listen to me, I will destroy it. Everything will become great in our great White Land:
- No Alimony to ex-wives
- No UN
- No Rapists
- No terrorists
- Perpetual Wars
- You won’t have to work to get paid
- Free health care.
Let’s make Amerika great again.
Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU
Cruz: I have a lot to learn, my shutting down the US govt was only going to destroy America, but Sir Trump is going to destory the world. He is a great conservative.
Dubya: That sounds so much like what I did. Trump does have hidden potential.
A Trump presidency would be based on school yard taunts
“I know you are but what am I? I know you are but what am I?”
“I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!”
President Na na na na naaa na
Seriously. He’s not far out of the infantile stage emotionally. He’s such a mess that you have to look hard for similarly messed-up national leaders to compare him to—Idi Amin, Caligula, those types.
I think his mind refuses to process criticism and he responds by attacking people. This guy is so think skinned it’s unbelievable. I think HRC should basically ignore his personal attacks, stick to the facts and let the sea party and the pacs go after him, but she should not personally engage him.
He is a con artist is what he is. A psychopathic con artist.
99.99% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie or inaccurate.
He will not make it to the Convention with 1237 Delegates…
Trump wins ALL of the Winner Take All primaries which are coming AND that GOP primary voters vote more than 48% for Trump. That can look like this:
Trump averages 49% of the delegates selected
Cruz higher of the rest (or lower)
Kasich lower of the rest (or higher)
The question, essentially, is: Do HALF of remaining GOP Primary voters support Trump? If the answer is “yes”, then the United States may have to deal with a General Election the likes of which THE WORLD has never seen.
If his followers see this, their reaction its going to be: “So what’s the problem?”
Absolutely. His followers have long believed that President Obama has led “from behind” and supposedly apologized for America or some such insanity. To them, Rump is the sort of “leader” that will show other nations how powerful we are by either telling the rest of the world to f*ck off do what we TELL THEM to do, or just go it alone and do whatever we want. THIS is what the GOP establishment has created.
chammy, I am reminded of the fossil fuel consultant living in a Miami estate four feet underwater (because of Climate Change) and flying up to Washington to testify (in FAVOUR) of fossil-fuel-friendly legislation.
Trump is a con artist to be sure. John Oliver is described in HuffPo to-day in identifying Trump as a con man with incredibly effective techniques of denying reality, denying the past, denying past ACTIONS and WORDS…However, in my mind the greatest con artists are those of the MSM who should not only be highlighting this Economist report (and others like it) but alerting the population about the menace Trump represents.
THOSE are the con artists I really despise. And they, like the fossil-fuel man I write about above, are compelled to do what their Corporate bosses tell them to do. And, even if they knew that the people of United States would gravely suffer, they would kill the stories which would put Trump in prison. After all, if Chuck Todd had an epiphany and cried out to Jesus (and the public) that he had been a stenographer all these years, 24 hours later, there would be no Chuck Todd on NBC (just Chuck Todd 2.0)