Discussion for article #245936
That supporter who thought Trump would force China to pay for the wall bordering Mexico was hilarious!
“Well, you know, by calling him The Greatest Show on Earth you’re kind of insulting a lot of the circus world.”
— Adam Realman
Look for a cease and desist letter from Sir Elton John in 3, 2 ,1.
“Defeating ISIS? Simple. Bomb Israel. Or…not Israel, but around there. You know.”
A Donald Trump Supporter
Where did you learn English, you Mexican? It is “Defeation of ISIS”.
Whenever I read “Trump Rally” my inner voice actually says “Klan Rally.” So for example, the headline of this article reads to me “The Daily Show Went To A Klan Rally And Had The Best Time.” I’m not even being facetious.
That footage of him going off on tangents was interesting. I wonder how long that lasted. I’m guessing that his speeches are just as, or more, rambling and incoherent as Sarah Palin’s are.
That guy was an idiot. Everyone knows ISIS is somewhat to the north of Tikrit, and to the west, south, and east. Exactly there. I know what I’m talking about.
He has a plan, but if he mentions his plan someone else would copy it.
Amazing how much faith they have in “the Donald”.
Is he really going to win the nomination? I keep saying no, but with each day it seems more and more like I am wrong.
Did Klepper hear Trump say “Day one, if I win, day one of my presidency they’re [11 million undocumented immigrants] getting out.” Or that unemployment is as high as 35% or, he even heard, 42%
I wonder how this would have turned out if Jessica Williams did the report…
Was any of that funny? I can’t tell.
Ummm, Ivanka is wife #1 (Then Marla, now Melania). Ivanka might not be happy to be identified in as the wife in the photo. I know, who can keep track without a scoreboard? However, I am very disappointed that my pop culture knowledge is this derp to see the error. Oops, I mean deep.
Ivanka is his daughter from his first marriage with Ivana. So take solace in the fact that your knowledge isn’t that derp
The thing I find disturbing is that Trump can actually sound coherent, which came as a surprise to me. I was stuck in front of a TV in a doctor’s office where Trump was on a morning show, and if you didn’t know that he’s completely full of shit and were ignorant of world affairs and political realities - which, let’s face it, most Americans are - what he was saying would sound pretty reasonable and even compelling. It had a lot less of the bombast of his rally speeches. Kind of unnerving that he might actually have the temperment to sway some people in a general election.
You’re absolutely right. This morning, Ive been trying to figure out the best place on TPM to post a link to the following article – and I apologize if it seems like spamming, but I think its important for people here to see. I’ve never read something that pointed out the true danger of Trump so clearly – most focus on his buffoonery. Favreau shows us how he could actually win the Presidency with a slightly tweaked message:
Man what a bunch of clueless folks!
My guess is, Palin is actually more interesting to listen to. Trump is relatively boring, IMO…he repeats himself, in short, small words. Every sentence is just the same short small words being repeated. Its just a repetition of short small words.
Palin on the other hand…its like a guessing game I always lose. Which word is going to come out next? It has to be a verb to finish that…Oh!! Wrong again, she went with a noun and started down a completely…Giraffes, wow…I never saw that one…Yes, OMG!! Refrigerators, of course, it was so totally not obvious!
Palin keeps you on your toes. Trump bores you to sleep.
Look at all those, angry, ignorant, white folks.
They are not educated enough to figure out what to do with their angst and hatred, so Trump gives them a convenient target and WOW! They love him.
sad, sad commentary on the abject failure of the “local control of schooling” concept.
Pfft. Obvious liberal. Everyone knows North, East, West, South make up an acronym for NEWS…and NEWS is clearly liberal. So we don’t need to know where something is (another one of those liberal journalistic questions). Just bomb something. Somewhere. That’ll teach them.