Discussion: The Daily Caller's Patrick Howley Calls Arrested HuffPost Reporter 'A Disgrace To Journalism'

Journalism is all about journalists. Read and critically consider but never completely trust the news.

I’m not getting involved in the main fight, but I will confess I found “Cats” to be tedious and annoying, an experience made bearable solely by the fact that the female performers were wearing bodysuits and no underwear.


Please, someone tell me because I’m at work and can’t watch videos of Reilly’s reporting. Did he start sobbing on camera? Were there tears coming out of his eyes while reporting about the incident in McDonalds?

I don’t recollect seeing anything like that in the past few days, but admit I might have missed something. If Reilly didn’t actually cry, isn’t Howley’s characterization of Reilly actually reporting what happened to him just the sort of bad journalism that he is… making up out of whole cloth?


Out-of-control police are a story. So Reilly’s arrest made him part of the story in Ferguson.


Another “Howley Howler”…

There is only one word that comes to mind after reading Howleys article…BUTTHURT!

Birds of a feather flock together.

“Howley”? Shouldn’t his name be “Whiney”?

It wasn’t Mike Wallace, it was Dan Rather who got punched at the Democratic Convention in 1968. I know because he spoke at my college shortly thereafter and talked about it.


Judging from his resume, I’d say he’s been there more than once, and this won’t cause him anymore undue angst that having to live with himself.

Muzzling the press is part of the story. The cops obviously targeted journalists, camera crews and radio reporters as well. Plus it is instructive to hear first hand the abusive behavior of the cops by a professional observer.


TPM wised up?

Is this what penile envy looks like?

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And I thought the bow tie boy Tucker Carlson was the biggest turd blossom at the Daily Caller. I stand corrected.

Wow. The Reich-Wing apologists are really “circling the wagons” on this one aren’t they?

A fine world we live in when the gutless presume to pass judgement on the brave.

Wonder how many DUIs mommy and daddy fixed for him in college.

Smells and reads like an angry personal vendetta.

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I love it when all the insufferable pundits and wags safe in the studio or office disparage reporters who are in the field and practicing what used to be termed eye witness journalism…yammer on fools…it is the only possible way these losers can garner any attention…

Anyone that works for Carlson and the Daily Caller can’t claim any affiliation with any form of journalism.

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