Discussion: The Crazy, Racist Things That Fox's Token Liberal Has Said On-Air

Discussion for article #232036

Should The View be alerted that Beckel might not hit the tub or shower every day?

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In the past i respected this man, turns out he was only saying what he was paid to say, he’s a loser with no actual values.

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You do realize that he’s being paid to provide the GOP/Teatrolls with a parody of Dems/liberals and to say all sorts of bullshit so that when someone says, for example, that GOPers/Teatrolls/Faux News is racist, they can point at this tapdancing clown as proof that liberals and Dems are too…don’t you? He might as well have a coin slot and a string sticking out of his back.


I don’t enough about Bob Buckethead to know if he actually believes this crap or he’s doing it to keep his gig at Fox. Either way, he’s an asshole.

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[quote] Beckel is the perfect liberal mouthpiece for the “fair and balanced” network. [/quote] “Liberal” in the sense that pigs and elephants can fly??

“fair and balanced” in the same way the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, flying reindeer and the tooth fairy are all real??

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You nailed it.

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Also proof for them that all liberals are repulsive festering sacks of pig shit, even if they hold opinions a Real American can agree with.


Wouldn’t it be more newsworthy if someone at TPM shared with us a few recognizably liberal sentiments that the “token liberal” on Fox actually said? For all I can tell, he’s as much of a right-wing blowhard as the rest of them.

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Found a new writer for The Slice.

If not believing I should have my head whacked off for not kissing Allah’s azz makes me an Islamaphobe, count me in.


A term made up by morons, to intimidate to weak.

In other words, he works for Fox “News”.

He only has this job because Alan Colmes’s coin slot got jammed.