foolmemore’s obituary sounds much better.
The Democrats have themselves to blame for this. Where’s their MESSAGE. The Republicans track record sucks and yet they continue to take-up space and now the Democrats may lose the Senate. Why are we able to get a President elected and yet lack the ability to keep the Senate? This pisses me off.
Would it be too much trouble or effort for TPM writers to spend some time reviewing and examining the other side of this coin? It seems that all we hear about is defeat and take over. Ever consider that this type of continual reporting discourages voters? Not logical but it does, what’s it called the Stockholm syndrome…No? well something like that anyway.
I’m not advocating making up fairy tales, however continual Tea Party/GOP horror stories are very much like the “guns bedtime stories” (Is that where the dad got his idea?) Although guts and gore do sell this is a political site and it would certainly be nice to read about progressive talent and Democratic issues…maybe also the successful ones, not only the ones someone has managed to dig up the dirt on…
President Biden anyone?
Can’t do that without being a Senator.
Thank you. I mean, if you want to write a story about Mississippi, instead of repeating the made up crap that Johnson spoons out…
…maybe someone could focus on the fact that having Democrats engaged enough to go out and vote in a republican primary means they are very motivated to go out and vote for a Democrat in the general.
The signs are there, but lazy individuals like Seth Michaels apparently can’t be bothered to pay attention to them.
I think it was Bill Maher who said something like: “These assholes will get up at 4:00AM to vote if they they think by doing it they will be screwing someone over.”
But as Arnie said in one of the Terminator movies, “Ahngah iz moh uzefuhl than dizpaihr.” The right seems to have taken that to heart, Are we going to?
‘Dead-troll-posting’, barked the jailer.
I’m sure you felt the same about " President Romney".
You’d just be preaching-to-the-choir.
Folks like you and I.
There’s no sense in spending ad revenue until you have the attention of those not yet tuned in.
Traditionally? That’s after Labor Day.
I don’t know who wrote the headline but whoever it was they didn’t read the actual article. There is nothing here about the consequence of a GOP controlled Senate.
Doesn’t matter. We’ll still have to put up with their scandalmongering, circus acts and dog and pony shows. You think it’s been bad the past 4 or so years? Just wait till they get control of the two branches. They will demand everything, compromise on nothing - all to insure that Obama will be seen as failing to lead and get things done.
Then we wonder (or, in one case of a poster here, “yawn”) when the president looks for ways to go around them.
Why are we able to get a President elected and yet lack the ability to keep the Senate? This pisses me off.
Mostly I think because people do not really connect the GOPTP candidate [crackpot?] they are voting for as part of a larger problem because he/she [mostly he] seems like such a nice man or woman. Or, maybe they’ve been “good” for the state.
Me, I don’t give a putrefying roadkill about how much pork some politician has brought into the state. I don’t give a shit whether or not they are nice. They can swear at old ladies in Chaucerian English for all I care; and they can worship Yog Sothoth and Cthuhlu. I don’t give a crap about their nice families or their grandchildren or whether or not they served in the military. I zero in on whether or not they are likely to add or detract from our national governance farce and by how much. Hence, I have not ever voted Republican, but have occasionally left a space blank or written someone in.
Cock-eyed optimism is worse, if it causes Democratic complacency and low turn out.
Yep, they will definitely turn it up to eleven.
And again, more factless pearl clutching.
“n 2014, the turnout in the 18-34 group (the key to Democratic Victories in the last 12 years) is going to be MISERABLE, much worse than usual. Why? as a group, they just don’t care about politics.”
Contradicting yourself in the second sentence isn’t the path to a strong argument. Either that demographic is key to Democratic victories in the last 12 years…which means they do care about politics…or it isn’t.
The fact is that since the voting age was lowered to 18, the youth vote has never been an overwhelming factor in any election. Trying to position them as THE saviors is just silly. And trying to make the case that we need them to get out and vote for us while insulting them isn’t a particularly grand strategy either.
Seth is going to have a very busy twitter feed today. At least quite a few from me.
There is nothing here about the consequence of a GOP controlled Senate.
I think we can all fill in that void: General, nationwide, political indolence and fuckupery!
Are they still on your health insurance? Protecting the ACA seems like a “CAUSE” your family might get behind, unless you all have more important things to do on election day.
By the way, did you and yours vote in 2010, or did you permit the Teahadi counter-revolution to succeed with nary a protest?
It is possible given the map…if you totally ignore the actual polling going on in the states where the Senate elections are occurring.
When you include the actual polling…then it becomes clear its more a fanciful wet dream that republicans have been having since McCain lost to Obama in 2008.
Republicans are losing in AR, GA, KY, LA, NC, AK, NH, CO, IA and MI. They are even losing are fighting tooth and nail to hold on to a minimal lead for the governor races in KANSAS!(!!) and South Carolina. Not to mention being trounced in FL, PA, OH, MI and ME.
The polling so far has been very consistent…there is not going to be any republican wave this year. Quite the opposite seems to be forming up. And given their tendency to over the top rhetoric on divisive issues, I suspect its going to be a very, very bad year for republicans at both the state and federal levels.