Discussion: The Commentariat Gushes Over How 'Presidential' Trump Was In Mexico

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He stayed on his meds! Well we might as well give him the keys to the white house. Talk about low expectations.


Oh, good god – gag me with a fork!


With all due respect to the level of conversation on this site, all I can think to say is “Seriously?” Anything further would only add to the notion that there is anything to discuss. What an idiot.


"And then you take a break at your job to watch the press conference after Pena Nieto and Trump have met. You think, Goddamn, this is gonna be good. Except…well, shit. They sound like a couple of regular goddamned politicians. They talk like nothing bad happened. They say they have much in common. Trump talks endlessly about how much he just fuckin’ loves Mexicans, how “tremendous” they are, how hard-working. You feel a little dizzy. What they fuck have you believed all these months? Who the fuck is this guy?

Even worse, when Trump is asked if he brought up the border wall, he says, “We didn’t discuss who will pay for the wall.” You feel a little sick to your stomach and you get a cramping and an urgency in your bowels. Trump called the Mexican president his “friend.” Oh, sweet Jesus, what is going on?

You rush to the bathroom and you just start shitting in great waves of burning, watery shit. Because now you know. You’ve been played. You’re the sucker. It’d be like dying and waking up in Muslim Hell. Everything you’ve believed, everything you’ve argued for, it’s all just a big fuckin’ lie. Tough guy Donald Trump walked right up to the president of the country that sends us rapists and drug dealers and planted his tawny lips on the guy’s ass. What a fucking wuss.

This is what an existential crisis is like, dear Trump supporters. Wallow in it, fuckers.

But I’m probably giving you far more credit than you deserve. More likely, you’re already justifying this and making it fit the Jenga game of bullshit you’ve constructed."


Just saw Chuck its not my job to report the news Todd say Trump was presidential.


Before Drumpf left the US today, he had his favorite product shipped to all the conservative outposts.


Que es El Commentariat???

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Theorem: If P(n) is the degree which Trump is presidential on day n, and U(n) is the degree to which Trump is unhinged on day n, then U(n+1) = 4P(n)^2.

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Todd is the poster child for broadcast pseudo-journalist vapidity, but even for him that’s pretty disgraceful. “Presidential” to him is like the guy who dresses as Lincoln for a third-rate used-car President’s Day sale and says in a third-rate actor’s sonorous voice that you can push it in, pull it in, drag it in and they’ll still give you a thousand bucks on your trade-in. If you can stand at a podium with some foreign dignitary and not have puke dribbling down your shirt, you’re Presidential. If you can not yell out cuss words while you do it, bonus points. I don’t see how we have a republic with voting and all that fun stuff if this is what most people experience as the press. Shaking my head.


I want to vomit.


Kinda ironic to have someone like Donnie railing against the Mexican drug cartels, when his handlers had him on a massive Thorazine drip the whole time he was in Mexico.


That’s what I was thinking. Do you think they used a tranquilizer dart?


Yeah it was so presidential to pull the stunt of ditching the Press entourage for his trip, and before that excluding WaPo. Todd and Andrea Mitchell really want a horse race and are doing everything they can to create that perception.


New campaign theme: Donald Trump, a bi-polar President you can believe in!


He looked like an old, awkward, fat guy on vacation. That would be NOT Presidential!


I’m waiting to hear what the Mexican Commentariat has to say, as I am positive there was a muy grande, bigly yuge discrepancy between what Pena and Donnie were saying.

My high school Spanish was too rusty for me to keep up with Pena.


He’s got a long way to go to catch up to Hillary’s diplomacy!


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I bet Rich Lowry felt starbursts.


Perhaps it might be more appropriate to say “presidentish”

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