Discussion: The Budget Battles Brewing for 2016 GOP Governors

Discussion for article #236643

Someone needs to gag Norquist and finally pound into the head of the electorate that Republicans are not fiscal conservatives and are not fiscally responsible. They are fiscal frauds.


White guys can’t add.


If you want to have nice stuff you have to pay for it.

The GOP only wants the upper 1% to have nice stuff.


Proceed, governors.

Any Democrat with any desire to win could demolish any of these fools with truth. A simple chart. A catchy phrase or two…

“Thanks, but I’d just as soon not run the country into the ground like you did your state.”

“When ______insert name here sees a budget deficit he says, 'Supersize Me.” But when the citizens of his state need health care he says, “Go to the Emergency Room for your routine blood pressure checks.”


Isn’t in embarrassing to be a toady to a guy named ‘Grover’?


Magical thinking that simply cutting taxes will lead to more economic activity and more taxes is the culprit. Some day somebody will figure out that businesses are attracted to states that are well run and have nice things–schools, infrastructure etc. Nice things require hard work. Hard work is something Republican politicians fear. Laffer magic is so much easier. Of course, as these governors have discovered magic doesn’t work, no matter how many times you say the magic words.


Makes you wonder why Sam Brownback hasn’t joined the clown car. On a per capita basis, his fiscal destruction of Kansas should make him a leading contender.


"It’s Just SSDD for the GOP"



“Trickle-down” in just a euphemism for the .01% pissing on your head.
They have known this since the 1980s when it was “invented” to move all that juicy capital upwards from the “undeserving poors” and the “clueless middle-class” into the pockets of the Oligarchs.
It has succeeded beyond even their wildest avarice.
They knew we were ignorant and poured billions into keeping it that way (hello FOX News and the Right-Wing Echo Chamber) they never dreamed we were THIS stupid, but are happy to oblige.


That ol’ saw “cuttin taxes increases revenue” is a lie and always has been. The country, the states and the cities across the country are in worse shape than ever due to a regressive tax policy. You gotta wonder what the 1% are thinking the outcome will be once the middle class is broke and the land is full of gun totin hungry angry people. It aint gonna be a pretty sight to see but the day of reckoning is coming. I hope I am not here to see it.


This makes Rubio look better all the time. Since he has no responsibilities at the moment, he does not have to answer for current fiscal woes.


That’s not really it. We don’t need higher top rate progressive taxation to raise the funds for the massive infrastructure overhaul that’s needed, or to reinvigorate the various important social welfare programs that have been under seige by these ridiculous red state nincompooops; we need for the precise reason that white Rs always cite as some sort of evil, namely: redistribution. I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to get back to the 1950s scales, it may well have gone too far, especially given the decade head start that Bush gave the top 0.01%. But, assuming it’s not hopeless, it HAS to be done in order to make the country those 0.01% live in not just Potterville to the rest of us.

What Fox and Limbaugh et al have done to redistribution is pretty much the same thing that cons did to the term ‘liberal’ and right wing interest groups have done to the vital notions underpinning taxation in a representative democracy.


People are good for business. Not the other way around. Most businesspeople, all Republicans, and far too many Democrats are fundamentally confused about this simple truth. So we have governors like Scott Walker throwing Wisconsin people under every bus he can find, with deep cuts to schools, universities, parks, health care and everything else that made Wisconsin better for people who live here, in order to provide tax and regulatory amnesty for nonresident billionaires. It’s precisely backwards, and it’s no wonder the state suddenly can’t balance a budget.


I think we’re seeing it already, and that the September 2008 meltdown was neither the first sign of it nor nearly its final manifestation. The system is headed to further late-2008-like ‘shocks’, with us hurting each time but adjusting, poorly and inadequately. This could go on indefinitely but the country won’t doing it. But I don’t see any will to avoid it. It requires a widespread political tolerance, and that we haven’t had except except during the Good War or right after some shared shock like presidential assassination or 9/11. Even schools full of babies being turned into dead meat doesn’t work.


Thank you, that was just what I was thinking!

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THis aLL GOes bacK to OHbummer’s reCKLEss LIBtard SPENDing.


And with some of these Rethug governors (Christie, Brownstain, Walker), they were reelected even when it was obvious what was happening to their state. WI is not only losing jobs AND skilled workers, they’re losing them to neighboring Minnesota which is thriving. Walker has nothing to fall back on as an excuse as to why WI is going into the sh*tter but one of the neighboring states is doing quite well.


Republicans suck eggs and this is just another part of their egg sucking ways. They don’t do defense well or the economy etc., etc., and the truth is that they eff it all up on purpose.
If you judge them strictly on their record, their behavior and their intentions, then they all fail.
Listening to the rosy colored horseshit that they sell is what brought on their states and our countries problems in the first place.

All that the Repubs have going for them, is that they aren’t liberal/progressive/socially conscious politicians. They run against doing the right thing and miraculously hang in with that stupidity.


What’s to worry? According to Jeb they have fairly dust accounting to take care of any actual budget shortfall.
Their method is called “dynamic scoring” which means I guess that the bigger the debt the easier it is to ignore.
See this article on TPM

“Jeb Bush ‘All In’ With House GOP’s Special Budget Math (VIDEO)”