Discussion: The Attorney General Is Speaking The Language Of Fox News

He’s been a partisan hack his entire career, shilling for Republican crooks. Working for Trump may be the most corrupt job he’s ever had.


Barr starts lo look like a lost bassett hound perpetually on the verge of sobbing outloud (cf. Cohen, Michael)

can’t wait.


You just made my basset hound at home sad. He is waaaaay cuter than the USAG.

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Barr needs to choose…

1 Resign and be a personal lawyer to the Russian installed Unindicted Co-conspirator, Lawless, Corrupt, Immoral Individual1


2 Stay in office and do his job to for the American people.

We know what Barr would choose…

Dear Democrats,
Barr has lied to Congress, obstructed justice, and is NOT doing his job for the American people.

No one is above the law…It is time to impeach Barr or use ALL the legal tools in Congress to deter and impose severe consequences to repeated violators/CORRUPT Trump Administration/Republican officials!

The longer you delay in making them face their criminality and corruption, the harder it is to curb Trump/Republican lawlessness!


Good point.
This article is older but it is one of many about how very difficult it will be for Democrats to get anything done. How the minority in red rural areas have such a huge advantage, and how the deck is stacked against progress:

No wonder the majority of people are so frustrated.


Thank you. “based off” gets under my skin to an unreasonable degree. I realize we’re talking about weighty matters, but still…


Is that a challenge where two chefs go head-to-head, cooking turkeys?

As far as I know neither Barr nor Mnuchin are Secret Service protectees. Barr I expect has an FBI contingent. I do not know what Mnuchin has. From past expetience there are a lot of very senior people in government ( any of the 3 branches) who have no protection. Strange I know but that is what I have seen.
And impeaching Barr makes a lot of sense.


And don’t get my Red Tick Coonhound started. Her howl can wake the dead.


If people under 40 and people over 55 changed voting participation rates, we would have a completely more progressive government.

Increasing voter participation for people under 40 should have been the number one priority of the Democratic Party since the age of Reagan.

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“… How many Fox employees has Trump appointed to powerful government positions? 4? 5?..”

Enjoy it while they can. Unless Trump gets re-elected, they’re toast in any job mkt except that of the RW.

Barr is an illegitimate United States Attorney General! No doubt about it! He doesn’t deserve the position. He’s the highest law official in our land and he is acting as if he’s in that position to serve as Trump’s personal attorney and NOT the Law Enforcer for The People.

In other words, Barr should to be protecting Trump at our expense, rather Trump needs to HIRE Barr as his personal counsel and NOT our US Attorney General!

Barr has better start doing his damn job!

oh we haven’t sufficiently punished Comey yet.

Nixon was a lawyer, but he fell into this language and culture of revenge, something John Mitchell was only too happy to oblige. Trump is not a lawyer, so his natural propensities to seek revenge are not subject to the same professional rules as lawyers. However, when the current AG chimes in, we are all fucked. The entire point of the law is to prevent endless cycles of revenge and retribution by turning things over to an independent arbiter for conflict resolution. We seem to witnessing the death of the rule of law and it is happening quite out in the open.

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He comes from the paleo-Catholic branch of conservatism, like Leonard Leo. See his piece from 1995.


The moralism of William Bennett and Robert Bork, which somehow manages to accept Donald Trump, the most immoral president in our history.


is BARR HANIITY’S daddy?

I think it’s safe to conclude that Trump is a useful idiot for Barr’s agenda. That agenda? That’s the $64 question. I suspect he lumps liberals, blacks, gays, women into one big group that he despises and so does the Donald. I’m open to other explanations. He’s not the principled guy we were told to expect – not by a long shot. . He’s one mean SOB.

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“… He IS one of the rubes…”

Of course. Someone above used the term “paleo Catholic”.
Fuck, I thought the generation of these assholes had died off. Scalia was one. Alito, too. Now this prick.

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It is ever so obvious Barr IS Faux nooze…

More and more it seems like the entire Trump administration, including Barr, are on the Fox payroll.

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