Discussion: The Attorney General Is Speaking The Language Of Fox News

Put another way: Trump is the deer tick. Barr & Co. are the Lyme Disease agents.


OK, but what I’m trying to say is his personality is such that they can’t possibly have a smidgen of honor and work for a guy who is obviously stupid and berates them and everyone around him. Who has shown such poor judgement in all the hiring of his inner circle from day 1. I’m sure they agree with each and every one of his ‘policies’ - but no one will hold their hand over a candle flame for him to prove their loyalty.


Not everyone is interested in government and politics, which is stating the obvious, but since all of us are very interested, sometimes you have to state the obvious. It gets lost otherwise.

It works best if we can convey passion about it all because reason doesn’t matter, doesn’t sell and doesn’t sink in these days. But passion gets attention.


I am more angered than demoralized. It’s time for Schiff or Nadler to tell the Congressional Sgt-at-Arms to authorize a couple fed Marshals to arrest Mnuchin and Barr, then bring them to the floor of the House and make sure they are jailed until they respond to those subpoenas they ignored. That will get trump’s attention.


while I agree with your sentiments, I do think there are practical considerations at work here.

Like Mnuchin’s and Barr’s security details (Secret service? FBI?) Things could get messy very quickly. Its not as if either of them has shown any respect for Congress’ authority so far.


My concern is that PP’s legal team, including His AG, wants to redirect the battle from PP onto Barr as a distraction, a muddying of the water, if you will. My desire is to bypass and ignore Barr as much as possible, and circle back around to his acts of obstruction later.


Have you considered how an impeachment investigation of Barr might free up information?

I mean, subpoena Rosenstein and Durham, and then give them immunity. Tell them that you are investigating whether Barr committed impeachable crimes, and that they can’t withhold evidence relevant to those crimes because of executive privilege.

I mean, I think its worth a shot --especially if Congress isn’t going to impeach Trump.


Just ignore him. He wants everyone to be as reckless and histrionic as he is


It’s like a ratio…the more damaging information comes out about Trump…

  • Barr’s value minimizes

  • Barr’s legal jeopardy increases

  • Barr stops making wisecracks to Congress

  • Barr starts to wish he had never met Trump


He’s been a partisan hack his entire career, shilling for Republican crooks. Working for Trump may be the most corrupt job he’s ever had.


Barr starts lo look like a lost bassett hound perpetually on the verge of sobbing outloud (cf. Cohen, Michael)

can’t wait.


You just made my basset hound at home sad. He is waaaaay cuter than the USAG.

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Barr needs to choose…

1 Resign and be a personal lawyer to the Russian installed Unindicted Co-conspirator, Lawless, Corrupt, Immoral Individual1


2 Stay in office and do his job to for the American people.

We know what Barr would choose…

Dear Democrats,
Barr has lied to Congress, obstructed justice, and is NOT doing his job for the American people.

No one is above the law…It is time to impeach Barr or use ALL the legal tools in Congress to deter and impose severe consequences to repeated violators/CORRUPT Trump Administration/Republican officials!

The longer you delay in making them face their criminality and corruption, the harder it is to curb Trump/Republican lawlessness!


Good point.
This article is older but it is one of many about how very difficult it will be for Democrats to get anything done. How the minority in red rural areas have such a huge advantage, and how the deck is stacked against progress:

No wonder the majority of people are so frustrated.


Thank you. “based off” gets under my skin to an unreasonable degree. I realize we’re talking about weighty matters, but still…


Is that a challenge where two chefs go head-to-head, cooking turkeys?

As far as I know neither Barr nor Mnuchin are Secret Service protectees. Barr I expect has an FBI contingent. I do not know what Mnuchin has. From past expetience there are a lot of very senior people in government ( any of the 3 branches) who have no protection. Strange I know but that is what I have seen.
And impeaching Barr makes a lot of sense.


And don’t get my Red Tick Coonhound started. Her howl can wake the dead.


If people under 40 and people over 55 changed voting participation rates, we would have a completely more progressive government.

Increasing voter participation for people under 40 should have been the number one priority of the Democratic Party since the age of Reagan.

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“… How many Fox employees has Trump appointed to powerful government positions? 4? 5?..”

Enjoy it while they can. Unless Trump gets re-elected, they’re toast in any job mkt except that of the RW.

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