Discussion: The Apocalypse Caucus Is Going To Have A Lot More Company

Discussion for article #228324

I am more afraid of the republican party than any foreign dictator, or foreign terrorist, or even the Russian Nukes…the whole Right is Wrong for this nation…these guys have terrorized this nation enough…From McCain to Cruz these guys are as corrupt as the day is long, and are using OUR government against us…If we are at war, then these guys need to be punished…they are the EBOLA of politics…


Anything Blackburn leads is not worth the time to listen.


This will be interesting. They’ve been relatively successful at tamping down the public faces of nihilist troglodyte faction going into the midterms but, if that strategy succeeds, that faction will emerge believing they have a mandate.


We thought the House was bad with their constant time and money wasting investigations into Fast and Furious and Benghazi…if the GOP takes the Sentate it will be all kinds of messes.
They don’t know how to govern, are not interested in governing and their one and only objective will be to fight the president. That is it. We will see them on TV constantly posturing for the camera and the “liberal” media will be more than willing to accomodate them.

It will be interesting to see what they will accomplish if they get the House and Senate. Will they finally move on Immigration Reform? What about ObamaCare; will they repeal it, replace it and if so, with what? I notice they are not talking impeachment now that the election is in full gear; will they follow through after Nov 5?
They will have to put up or shut up.

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Lovely insight into their trojan horse strategy of “you can trust us to be adults…”

Apparently according to Mitt Romney, the problem that he and the republicans have isn’t that they THINK 47% of Americans are losers and takers. The problem was they got caught saying it on camera… repeatedly!

I think FDR had a great rebuttal when he faced similar circumstances in the 1930’s.

You really can’t expect a zebra to changes its stripes can you…


If the GOP takes the senate the US electorate will really get a good look see at the new ‘Grand Ole Party’ and I suspect the it will make them sick. The GOP has moved so far to the right that it is no longer recognizable to many who were members just ten years ago and that party was way to the right from the party of Nixon. To be honest the look more like fascists.

Cornyn’s definition of responsible means they’ll let Democrats vote on the policies the republicans have put forth.


Quick, let’s find some Democrats in these districts who think like these people so maybe they could win!

Oh, no, wait – they can’t win – they’re only second-rate Republican Christo-fascists!

So given that dynamic, no sense giving all those voters who don’t even bother voting anymore a real choice that could actually motivate them to cast a ballot. That might piss off the donors.

But in the two years it takes to fix it, we’ll be even more fucked than we were during the Bush years.


Actually, the only reason the GOP can win majorities is because of how our democracy is set up. Given that population is localized but reps per district are not creates this problem. Garrmandering is part of that which makes it much worse.

It is just like looking at a given state, seeing most the districts being red but the blue team won by a landslide because the population centers on a few locations.

This branch of the Republican Party is the Fascist Party. We will all be raising our fists into the air after 8 years of their dominance in Washington. Their media enablers at the Roger Ailes’ “Let’s Get Even with the Dems for Persecuting Lord Richard Nixon” Network should be shut down for the propaganda they spread. It is reality TV, not news and they have an FCC determination that they are not a news network - so why call themselves Fox News?? Why not Fox Fascism TV?

when Blackburn speaks… people listen. 2 of her colleagues look like they’re in a proctologist’s waiting room and Jeb looks like he can’t quite believe what she is saying

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…"responsible adults " with JuvenileTeaLinquents offspring.

What could possibly go wrong.

defines ’ FickleConservatives nowadays.

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The Republican right reflects the power of talk radio to sway a few million people and their power to sway the media. A fringe has power all out of proportion to their numbers.


Jesus, I hate these people. Dangerous ass-clowns, one-and-all.

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Apocalypse indeed. The GOP/Teatrolls are goose-stepping their way towards their demographic armageddon. Please pro-fuckin-cede…


This is the slippery slope and although it would be an interesting experiment, my rational mind says we don’t need to go there. Things don’t appear as rosy as Marcia Blackburn and John Cornyn may believe. Especially, having to convince everyone they would suddenly become adults.

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Scares the shit out of me.