Discussion: The Alt Right Eyes Its Future And Preps To Professionalize Post-Trump

Taylor told the audience that his job wouldn’t be over until at a PTA meeting, a woman could rise to defend the fact that fewer African Americans were in AP classes because they had a lower IQ and “no one objects.”[/quote]

Sadly, there are likely already places in America where this could happen. We will be far better off when everywhere in America people will stand up against racist BS like this and for the equality of all people. After all, it’s right there in the documents that are our founding principles: all people are created equal, not all white men are created better than anyone else.


The alt right claims it is bigger than Trump. It’s “a struggle for the human soul,” Spencer said.

To be more on point, a white soul.


One participant waxed poetic on why he is tired of being called a white supremacist in the media.

If the shoe fits, you white-robed fucking Klown.

"Alt Right." The biggest misnomer to come down the pike since "Compassionate Conservative."

He is right it is a struggle for the human soul, a struggle to save it from assholes like him.


This is so rich it’s hard to know where to begin.

White jihad * comes to mind.

  • Sorry, but the term jihad has been bastardized beyond redemption, perhaps.

So all the anti-american conspirators are coming together in one place and compiling a list of themselves?


"It’s “a struggle for the human soul,” "

I just wonder how would that work, even very roughly. So when people are proudly talking in PTA meetings about black people as having lower IQs, the white supremacists finally get their souls back? Or does it only happen when everyone agrees that Jews aren’t Europeans? Seriously–what do these people imagine they could accomplish?


Don’t you wish one could take their DNA, test it, and see how lily un-white they are?


So… who exactly are these three people, and why should I care about their self-called press conference that got bounced twice?

Dear Alt-Righties,

You’ve already missed your chance. That demographic tidal wave you so fear – you are right to fear it. Not because you’re white people, but because you’re racist white people. And not because the growing population of people of color is going to kill you, but because it’s going to make your twisted, narrowminded, racist viewpoints an even smaller minority position. And no, we’re not going to do the South African Apartheid thing and institute white-minority rule. So, again, you’ve already missed your chance. Trump’s failed candidacy will be your high water mark. It’s all down from there. Enjoy your ignominy and irrelevance.


Alt-right is much less polarizing than being called a fascists or neo-Nazi.

That’s what they actually are, but like the somewhat neutral sound of being called ‘alt-right’.


This might disgust others, but …
I actually appreciate the openness of all this.
They’re not pretending any more, and we don’t have to either.


A gathering of Tiny White Dick sufferers.

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What’s with the bullshit “alt right” crap? Thought they hated “Political Correctness”? Let’s drop the PC they hate so much; they’re racist bigots. Period.


Yet they claim to hate “PC”. So let’s cater to their hate; racist bigots is what they are. Not “white supremacists” or “white nationalists” or “alt right”.

Shit by any “PC” name is still just shit.


I think they’re trying to distinguish themselves from the racist bigots who don’t have aspirations to wingnut welfare.

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I think the Trump campaign should fire Paul Ryan as Speaker and immediately pass legislation that will fire the generals, and allow torture, pillage and theft of oil from the middle east.

ask those two questions again on Nov 9th

especially if there is such a thing as a President Trump

dont give them any ideas