And, unlike Trump’s attacks, these have the distinct advantage that they are all true.
No mention of Trump’s obvious servility toward Putin. No mention of Helsinki, reluctance to sanction Russia, or “it’s none of your business.”
I missed tonight’s debate, but I assume TPM would report it if anyone said it. I guess nobody said it.
Kamala Harris alluded to it in her video clip above.
those are my litmus test. obviously Ill vote whomever is the, but I will support th first one to state, we have been taken over by a Russian tool, and we need to get all the Russians out, Turtleman, 180 degree Lindsey, Kush, Barr, Cavanaugh, . etc.
Points to Bernie for naming the core problem: Trump is a racist. It’s not okay for the president to be a racist.
Krugman had a lot of good tweets, this one was interesting. I admit I had to look up facist to see exactly how that is defined and after that I tend to agree. He also posted link to NYT article comparing RNC to other parties around the world.
FWIW Kamala Harris hit all of these points pretty hard in an interview with Chris Matthews after the debate.
The talking past your time or going off topic is one thing, but for the moderators to talk over them sucks too because you cannot hear what is being said. If they demand on being that strict on time or subject cut the persons mic and let them have ear plugs that let them hear that they have been cut off and no one can hear them go on. Then maybe they will shut up…ha ha ha…hey I can hope can’t I?
I like Trump bashing as much as the next sentient being, but I preferred the fewer mentions of him on night one. It was nice to not have everything being about him for once.
Eric Swalwell DID snap out “Break up with Russia, Make Up with Nato”, I think. OT but his “Pass the Torch” line resonated, too. It landed hard on Biden. And then the torch did pass . . . to Pete and Harris.