Discussion: The 2014 Election Was The Worst Possible Scenario For Democrats

Discussion for article #229805

I don’t get it. Could somebody please explain to me why the American people are so mad at the Democrats? Like, normally I have a good sense for these things. But this year I’m just scratching my head trying to figure it out.


Remember “shell-shocked” from 2012? This is worse.


Will Kansas legislators learn anything from this?

I doubt they understand that this was a mandate-crusher for Brownback’s experiment in Koch enrichment.

They think they won something new, and all they did was barely hold on to an office in a state they have almost ruined.

But they have done so miserably, the next time we are just a few million short on tax revenues, they will consider it a victory, compared to the hundreds of millions, probably actually a billion or more, that they have lost to those struggling billionaires.


"Walker – a presumed 2016 presidential aspirant "

please… bring it on…

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Americans tend to hate on the party of presidents in their 6th years, with very few exceptions. Add to that the Democrats still can’t proudly own their accomplishments and instead insist on apologizing for giving people health care, and well…there you go. I’m sure the next several weeks will involve a lot of pundits and Republicans crowing about the GOP Wave! Conservatism on the Rise! The Death of Liberalism! It’s A Mandate! CONSERVATIVE NATION HERE WE COME.

Democrats will not help this narrative because we’ll be too busy bemoaning how Obama is Just Like Bush and why don’t those nice people in the South like us yet? Which is a terrible idea. If you look at the ballot measures that passed at state levels, people are not buying into the GOP’s positions. Minimum wage laws passed, marijuana passed or got majority votes, and personhood was rejected. Americans are not crazy-eyed right-wing extremists, but they are fickle and not very good at paying attention.


Thanks to the Democratic candidates for walking away from the President and trying to run like Republicans. Did they NOT learn their lesson from the retired Senator of Arkansas: Former Senator Blanche Lincoln? No! They didn’t! When you run away from all of the ammunition they arguably could have used, the DNC Chair needs to be fired! Period!


Republicans have become experts at sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt and the media is only too happy to oblige.


I have heartburn. Sick to my stomach. Thanks to Citizens United and 4 billion dollars by a few Plutocrats, we now have the worst Congress money can buy. And with a Republican Congress that’ll never fucking change. Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked at all to find out the Kochs paid a lot of voter fees for people to head to the polls to get this disgusting result. What a miserable night. I don’t get either. I just don’t.


Democrats will get to that right after they stop tearing each other to shreds.

I just started reading Rick Perlstein’s ‘The Invisible Bridge’. In the preface he discusses the differences between liberals and conservatives, optimism v pessimism. I haven’t even finished the first chapter yet but I started thinking about Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech. Republicans have spent 30 plus years turning Carter into a punch line and they’d love to do the same to Obama. Because liberals and conservatives are wired differently they’ll allow it to happen.


The $4 billion they spent this cycle doesn’t even include the money (and years) they’ve spent building groups like the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, Judicial Watch etc.


Hint to Democrats: Nominate better candidates. Stop alienating your base. People like Anthony Brown aren’t going to cut it. He was a joke and honestly deserved to lose. Martha Coakley was a joke. Braley was a joke. Crist was a joke. Awful strategy for months. Enough is enough. Heads need to roll.


The guy has now been elected governor three times in a bluish-purple state. You think he’s going to be easy to beat in 2016?
The “bring it on” attitude reminds me of things I heard back when there was no way we would be dumb enough to elect George W Bush, or Ronald Reagan.


Plus he rides a Harley.


Edit to add:
Walker has all the personality of Tim Pawlenty…without the good looks…in a crowded field. He’s VP material at best.

I’m thinking of starting a draft Joni Ernst for President website after listening to Luke Russert sing her praises for two days.


Who can get this? It’s a mix of Citizen’s United, dark campaign money & being outspent, but its’ mainly Dems NOT having the power of their convictions to laud their accomplishments & bash Rethugs as they should for obstruction, for shutting down the gov’t, voting against women, SS, Obamacare and Medicaid. Why is it so hard for Dems to make the truth work for them? Why? With all that ammunition in Dem corner, they managed to squander their advantage & run away from their own asset looking like racism enabler cowards running from their president. Bill Maher called it, running away from your party leader is ALWAYS ALWAYS the wrong strategy. Now we know, hope Dems learn & grow a spine. A united front is always the winning strategy, if there’s any chance to win. I can’t believe we lost MA, MD and Florida. Rick effing Scott won? facepalm


Given the givens, I’m astounded at how well it turned out for the Dems.

Seriously. They COULD have lost almost ever single race and I pretty much assumed that they would. It is a testament to how poorly the Republican plans worked out that the Democratic losses were relatively limited.

And the 2016 election cycle will be even more interesting.

Read the Al Jazeera report that just came out about voter suppression for more info.


Because the leader of the Democrats is the equivalent of Neville Chamberlain. He never met a Republican he didn’t want to like him. Obama is the worst party leader the Democrats have had, oh, in 80 years, at least.


Thanks, Barack!

They did lose every race that was anywhere near close, and those that should have been easy wins (Shaheen, Warner), they came incredibly close to blowing. Not all of those are due to Texas-style voter suppression. As it turned out, 40,000 more votes for Nunn wouldn’t have done squat.

The especially grating thing about Coakley is that the guy she lost to, Charlie Baker, is himself a joke. He’s not some kind of exciting candidate that’s luring people away, or even a Scott Brown type whose fakery makes up for a total lack of substance - he’s a perennial loser who’s been beaten down every time before, so to lose to him makes it even more painful.