Discussion: Thank You For Your Service: How One Company Sues Soldiers Worldwide

Discussion for article #225563

And I bet their CEO and Board are loyal Republicans who accuse Pres Obama of not supporting the troops.


They need to be banned from doing business with military troops - all troops can be briefed as part of their base orientation. We the taxpayer are ultimately paying these companies - they’re overcharging and cheating us.


The problem is, no one other than shysters will give these people credit. If we had a functioning government, we could pass laws that allow the Post Office to provide these kinds of services, and let the servicemen make the best deal they can with a local retailer.


What a business plan.

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Isn’t this, like, completely typical of every single predatory lender out there?

It’s sad that it’s happening to military types, but it happens to lots of other people, too.


This is a goddamned national disgrace.
And all this talk of honoring an supporting out troops is just so much hypocrisy and pious bullcrap.
Where’s Missy Graham and Sen. “Pops” McWar on this one.


It’s the same mentality that led Wall Street to the unionized worker retirement funds and into the home mortgage racket: 1 - find a money pile; 2 - determine the easiest access to the money pile; 3 - hire lobbyists to buy or hound enough Congress critter carcasses to grease the easiest access to the money pile; 4 - loot and gouge away.

It’s a Wonderful Country - for Old Man Potter.


That’s pretty much the way it is in every state. There’s nothing unusual about the story that applies only to service members either. There’s not a creditor out there that doesn’t have loan documents that say that the law of whatever state they wanna file their cases in controls. Under state civil procedure rules,the state and county where a contract is signed is automatically a proper venue also.


It’s transparent hypocrisy and it’s not like it’s anything new. They start wars and underfund the VA for fuck’s sake.


That’s some good reporting!


There’s a warm spot in hell for dirtbags like this. It is probably not too difficult to get these judgments overturned. Sad that any underpaid soldier would have to, but that’s the business of debt. Paging Dr. Warren … One of a few true advocates on the subject.

This is the kind of thing that happens to the working poor and lower middle class people every single day. That it is happening to our service men and women is not surprising. Over the last 30 years protections for our service members and for others in the working poor and lower middle class have eroded as congress and state legislatures have become ever more under the control of the banking predators. This scam aimed at the military, bad as it is, is nothing compared to the activities of payday loan and title loan companies.


Exactly. This one had the market research to open up to Fort Carson.

This is different, how, from one opened in Greenville, Mississippi?

Yo! doG!

You getting any of this?

Gonna do anything about it?

's what I thought.

Unfortunately hucksters fleecing or taking advantage of military members
is not new. At Camp Pendleton Ca there was a problem of insurance
salesmen selling high dollar policies to Marines that were close to
shipping out to Viet Nam. Unfortunately for the gullible, the policies had the
clause about the exception for excluding payout if killed in war.

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No big deal. Given that Republicans are always talking about how much they love the troops, I’m sure they’ll solve this problem posthaste.

Good old 'Merican Capitalism and greed.

Because FreeDumb!

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Ceo is more than likely a Repuk and ditto head teabagger

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" With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan…"
Abraham Lincoln 1864

Yeah, Right, as long as they have a 700+ credit score.

Reading about leaches like this only reenforces my view that America has fallen to become a small and petty nation which uses and then discards people at its whim. Most Congressmen and Senators make $174,000 a year. Yet, the cannot manage to dredge themselves up from the muck and mire of special interests like these who write fat checks to their campaigns to be sure that these loopholes exist.
I would like to put each and every member of Congress into the lowest pay grades of the US Military and call on them to survive while such laws and loopholes as these and others exist.
Not one of them would last a month. But a majority of them don’t care to be educated by experience. The hard truth is that most of them don’t care at all. As long as someone else has to “Bear the battle,” those in Congress who allow this sort of travesty are just fine, thanks.

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