Discussion: Thad Cochran Said He Didn't Know Eric Cantor Was Defeated (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #223904

Stick a fork in Cochran.


There is no way even that dickhead is THAT clueless.

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Good god. No wonder he can’t seem to get ahead of McDaniels. The guy is just clueless.
“Golly Gee, don’t you think it’s odd that my opponent is connected to two break ins? If only someone would call him on it… Oh well."
“What’s that you say? The Republican House Majority Leader lost his seat in a primary upset three days ago? Well, I don’t really follow politics."
Time to wake up and sack up Cochran. Losing is bad enough, but try to at least look like you’ve got a passing interest in winning!

Excellent way to convince primary voters you’re up for another six years in the Senate, Thad.

Republican officeholders seem to come in three flavors: Corporate stooge, wingnut crazy and now, clueless seat warmer.


Hah. Yeah, some win, some lose. This guy is gonna lose. Clearly he’s playing dumb…All the more reason he should just hang it up. More dumb Republican Senators is not what this country needs. We have far too many of them already.

Wow is he that checked out or does he just really really want people to think so?

Maybe it’s a super brilliant strategy.

“I don’t keep track of what’s happening to those Washington Insider types. I’m a REAL MISSISSIPPIN!”


He is a bit pre-occupied. I still say he wins.

Cochran reminds me of an ancient professor I had in college. His class notes were so old, they were yellowed. One day he was reading his notes aloud, read “insert joke here”, then went right on with reading his old notes.

The upshot is that Pappy here will be replaced by an aggressively racist asshole and America gets just that much more of a shittier government.

Yes but the racists are happy. So, you know, go America?

I guess he’s already packed.

Presumably. I said a long time ago he seemed to have essentially surrendered.

Yeah, that strategy only works if people don’t believe you don’t know what’s going on. If they do believe you don’t know what’s going on, they chalk it up to dementia and vote for the other guy.

I seriously doubt Cochran is senile in any medical sense of the word, and it’s a pet peeve of mine when people try to do long-distance mental health diagnosis of politicians via sound bite anyway. But what I do think we’re perfectly entitled to do is judge when someone is exhausted and desperately in need of retirement, and it’s getting pretty hard not to put Cochran in that category. (I’m not exactly a real Mississippian, but I do live here, and there’s no “but things look totally different on the ground” angle here. He’s making his supporters sad and tired just looking at him.)

My guess is that on Wednesday morning, some staffer sat down with him and gave him an hour-long briefing on the major implications of Cantor’s loss for his own extended intra-party fight, and he just nodded sadly while he looked out the window and thought about how much he’d rather be fishing.

Is he in the hospital or is it his wife?

I live here too. And I hate it.

Anyway, here on the ground in Rankin county I have seen ZERO effort from Cochran’s campaign.

I don’t do local TV, but every ad I’ve seen on the web has been for McDaniel. I see loads of assholes outside the Dogwood shopping area jumping up and down holding McDaniel signs.

Nah, he is trying to avoid a question he does not want to answer. But it is far too obvious that is what he is doing. Same reason he does not go after his opponent for the watergate style break in to his wife’s nursing home: a guy who looks too old does not want to raise the topic of senility.

He looks weak and will almost certainly lose. And that will hopefully cost the GOP the chance of getting the Senate when the electorate reject his whacked Tea Party opponent. The Democrat in the race is not going to pull punches on the Watergate style activities.

It is also possible that he squeaks a narrow victory in the primary but is so damaged that he loses in the general.

Mizzipian’s GOP choice is a sneaky TP shit - McDaniel - or an out of touch old fart who was unaware of a tectonic shift in his party’s power structure and has outlived his usefulness in the Senate…

Nope. You don’t know how idiotic this state is - McDaniel has got it unless he actually ends up in handcuffs between now and November. And unless the feds get involved, that’s not happening either.

Even if the feds did get involved, it’s pretty damned unlikely.

So much for Cochran. He just came across as way out of touch.