Discussion for article #231323
Putting The “F” Back In Freedom
I’m So Ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone
There’s no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work rearry hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry
And so I’m ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me
There’s nobody
I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It’s kinda sihry
But not rearry
Because it’s fihring my body with rage
I’m the smartest most crever most physicarry fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they’ll notice me
But until then I’rr just be ronery
Rittle ronery, poor rittle me
I’m so ronery
When you see Arec Barrwin, you see the true ugriness of human nature.
Hope it’s the unrated version. Still not sure if the sex scene was the funniest thing I ever saw or the source of an enduring PTSD trigger . . .
If Alamo Drafthouse shows it, it will be the unrated version
Texas has a sense of humor! Who knew?
Alamo Drafthouse is Austin-based. This is true Austin style. Like the crowd that mooned the Klan when the Klan marched on the Capitol.
Before I opened the thread I knew this would be the Alamo. Awesome choice.
Haha…good on them. To be fair, however, that movies is a parody of everything, not just NK. It’s arguably even harsher on the US haha
any crowd that moons the Klan are my heros…
When I read the headline I thought, “I’ll bet it’s the Alamo Drafthouse theater.” Sure enough…
Austin is a delightful place. You’d like it.
I don’t think so. It’s too close to Texass.
Ha! C’mon…it’s safe. You can fly right into Austin-Bergstrom and then fly right back out – you’ll never have to touch the other parts of Texas.
Austin’s a liberal political and cultural oasis. Just think of it like one of those bizarre but delightful surprises in nature – kinda like the anomalous little stand of Canadian maple trees found in a rare micro-climate surrounded by the otherwise arid and hot southwest region of Texas (yes, really!).
Yes, but I have a personal taboo against supporting the state of Texas in any way, shape or form.
Perhaps if Austin were to secede…