Discussion for article #238739
Some people can be so hateful. What is so horrible about treating all people equally?
A blatant case of judicial activism. Or does it only work if the activism produces a liberal result?
Well, I hope the people in Houston can rectify this. They have voted Mayor Parker, who is lesbian, into office 3 times.
This is so beside the point, but isn’t she a beautiful woman?
Fools. Fighting a rear-guard action in a war they’ve already lost.
I just want to point out that supreme court justices in TX are elected. Therefore they’re just as conservative and screwed up as the rest of the republicans in this state.
It’s a very ideological court.
It is entirely beside the point, and no.
That explains a lot. Are they all statewide elections or gerrymandered districts?
Yes, you know it’s beside the point, but yes she is a good looking 59-year old woman with polish and sophistication that younger female pols could emulate. I’m think Grimes of KY and undergraduate hair.
b.s.don, perhaps if you had taken the trouble to meet and talk with Her Honor, your mind would have educated your eyes. If not, perhaps… oh, never mind.
The exact reason why Ted Cruz wants to do the same thing to SCOTUS.
Statewide. I do not think we should elect these justices. Still I shudder to think who Perry or Abbott would appoint.
Take a look at Pennsylvania’s totally disfunctional elected State Supreme Court.
We have three vacancies to fill this fall, one from mandatory retirement, but the other two .,…
Joan Orie Melvin ® was convicted of election fraud, I think on her own and one of her sister’s campaigns.
Seamus McCaffrey (D) for involvement in the statewide pornographic email scandals.
Conservatives: standing up for your constitutional right to discriminate against others.
And the wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries in Wisconsin.
Can love mean anything without hatred? What would it mean to your kids if you loved them, but no more than you love everyone else’s kids, even the kids who treat yours badly?
We should thank the right wing for giving us such simply hate-able persons: themselves. If anyone can get Bernie elected, it’s Donald. Hatred can be a wonderful, positive force; the other side of love, inseparable from it.
From what I’m reading, it appears the court didn’t rule on the law itself, it ruled on the questions related to the referendum process, and while the result might well be a public vote, the court didn’t rule against the law, they ruled on the process thereafter.
My problem here is that the headline is a bit misleading. I stand firmly on the side of retaining that law, and I’d love to see it enacted everywhere, but that isn’t really the question the court was asked to decide, and they didn’t decide it. They simply stated that Houston must follow the law regarding the petition for a public vote…and while I hope for a positive outcome of such a vote, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. We can’t break the law simply because our “new law” is really a good thing.
It doesn’t square with the GOP country club attitude to treat everybody with common courtesy or any amount of dignity. Hate the “other” is the unspoken mantra. And sometimes it’s not so unspoken… For the GOP the only people who really matter are white rich and male. Those who are conned into voting for the GOP think that by voting this way they too will get to join in on the riches. Remember “trickle down economics”? People actually believed that by voting for the GOP money was gonna magically appear for them to simply coop up. Some still cling to this idea and a eagerly waiting for their share.
Well, obviously, if everyone is treated equally that means no one is superior. Duh!