Discussion: Texas Republicans Squelch 'Red Flag' Gun Law Prospects

“The state can seize weapons from people determined to be in a mental crisis in some circumstances.”

But they find it much easier and safer to just shoot such people.

“It is remarkable how consistent the playbook is in red states. Let time pass, let attention pass, then declare that current law has this under control,” Jillson said. “That’s the normal playbook and that’s what we saw here.”
It would appear Texas needs a few more gun massacres to improve attention span. Pity.

Thoughts and prayers.


If Republicans actually believed the antifa was a dangerous group, or that Dems like Maxine Waters were calling for violence against the right, they’d support legislation like this.

Because they know they’re safe, Texas Republicans are good without it.


Dallas: November 22, 1963


If a population won’t consider restricting the gun access of people who are considered potentially violent by law enforcement and family members, then there’s basically no situation they would consider doing it in. They’re just phobic about the idea. So we’re back to transforming the society so nobody’s mentally ill or dangerously angry. Good luck, Texans! Thoughts and prayers!


Among the steps that Texas apparently won’t be taking anytime soon is tightening restrictions on gun access for people deemed dangerous to themselves or others.

From today’s local paper (Colorado, not Texas) Man accused of aiming guns at his neighbors

Colorado is currently considering a red-flag law. Lots of support because of the murder of a County Sheriff’s Deputy last New Year’s by someone who had been previously reported. NRA is working furiously to squelch it.


“Abbott, who gets top ratings millions in laundered rubles from the National Rifle Association…”



Texas Republicans like About fear any law that can apply to people determined to be in a mental crisis. Considering the insanity of the GOP, that may be a real threat to anyone thinking of voting Republican.

Of course, it is also possible that the NRA is afraid of losing its funding by criminals, Russian and potential murderers, too.


“You never get good policy when you base it off of emotion.”

That explains why Texas’ gun policies aren’t good. They are all based on fear.


If Texas was a foreign country, the state department would be compelled to issue a travel safety advisory for American citizens to avoid visiting there.


And keeping guns readily available and concealable keeps everyone living in fear and more likely to vote based on that fear… the self-reinforcing cycle that powers the Republican Party.


While they vary from state to state, red flag laws generally allow law enforcement or family members to ask a judge to order the seizure or surrender of guns from someone who is deemed dangerous, often because of mental health concerns or threats of violence.

I’d say being a Texas Republican is prima facie evidence for being deemed dangerous for mental health concerns and threats of violence.

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I think Tejas may be a Spanish euphemism matanza.

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Okay, so base some good policy off research! Lift all those stupid bans on research into guns in the home! If the NRA weren’t so afraid of scientific study showing more guns = more deaths, we could actually have data.


I have one thing to say: Beto for Texas.

(No, not part of state government, but electing him would be proof that electing a solid Dem can be done, even here.)


Associated article, relevant to the mindset.

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Some states, like Texas, just wants to ensure all their citizens are equal when it comes to the death penalty.

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Is it too soon to suggest we build an “anti-gun wall” around Texas to keep guns currently within the state from spreading to other states?

Feel free to use the phrase “Spreading like cockroaches to other states” if that would help the TX ammosexuals to understand.

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“You never get good policy when you base it off of emotion,” said C.J. Grisham, leader of gun rights group Open Carry Texas, whose adamant opposition to any limits on possession of firearms is based entirely on rational analysis.

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