Discussion for article #243439
This tweet brings up the question “If God hears your prayers, what are you praying for?”
EDIT TO ADD: Especially under a banner that says “14 Dead in CA shooting.” Man, are they REALLY that clueless??
god is dead.
Yeh, but FauXians are hard of listening to the answer to their prayers.
Remembering when RickPerry held a big ol’ meeting to pray for rain to end the drought and the answer was wild fires…
Republicans believe that God was instrumental in helping to write the Constitution.
The Constitution, thanks to God, is amendable.
God’s work is done on the gun issue.
i don’t think Dan Patrick could Photoshop his way out of a paper bag.
So they’re praying for fucking massacres?
Knew it.
On a related note, Dan Patrick used to be a sportscaster in Houston. In the 1980s, he owned a sports bar.
That sports bar went out of business. Dan Patrick filed for bankruptcy, which got him out of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
Today, he’s a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” Republican who believes that no one needs help from anyone to be successful.
You may draw whatever conclusions you will from this.
“Texas Lt. Gov. Photoshops NY Daily News Cover: G-D HEARS OUR PRAYERS”
Oddly enough, that’s exactly what ISIL says.
Our doG’s better than their doG!
(Jaw dropped) OMG. That is so fucking crass. You hateful bastard. Should we pray for Texans to die such horrible deaths, too? – Maybe God will hear our prayers? You sick fuck!
Well, it’s worth a shot.
Ima pray for Rxush Limpballs to code out live on the air
i think that was a Marilyn Manson song.
But God still fails to do much.
YES! That is exactly what this sick hateful bastard is saying – that he (and others, presumably) prayed for the deaths of Californians!
Right up there with “GOD SENT THE SHOOTERS”.
Because praying for rain worked so well…
Has anyone else noted that as humans have acquired better recording devices the number of showy miracles has declined in proportion?
“…we can be reassured that God is in our lives as we seek Him out for peace, comfort, and understanding.”
Maybe God could hold off on dispensing peace, comfort, and understanding for awhile and get some counseling about his anger issues.
And Donald (Mr. Bankruptcy) Trump is picked by 55% of Republican voters in the latest CNN/ORC poll as “most trusted to handle the economy.”
Of course, their definition of “handle” might be different than mine.