Discussion for article #226772
The judge rules!
Hope she survives dinglePerry’s temper tantrum.
Won’t matter, he thinks he IS above the law. He’ll get a rude awakening too.
Seems like Rick Perry and Tom Delay both attended the same “Smug Mugshot Poses for Pols” seminar. Douche.
Why don’t they ever release the mugshot of these pols with their booking number showing like they do for “common” folk?
I really, really wanted to see that! Oh well.
“If the President does it, it is not illegal.” Richard Nixon Perry is just drawing off his conservative criminal mentor.
The comment by Perry could definitely be construed as a threat by judges and jurors alike.
How about this, Tricky Rick: SHUT THE FUCK UP IN GENERAL.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Looks to me like Julie Kocurek is trying to intimidate Perry…if anything.
Using taxpayer money to coerce someone into resigning seems pretty serious to me, even if Rick Perry thinks it’s a joke.
When a person only has a hammer, everything looks like a nail to them.
Especially since there have been 2 other DAs in Texas during pRicks governorship who have been arrested for DWI. pRick didn’t call for either to resign.
One can only hope so. I thought the judge’s statement was a little over-the-top at first, but then I saw this mug shot again. I mean, look at him: That is a man just JONESING for revenge!
Aren’t Texans allowed to bring guns into courtrooms?
Absolutely not. All government buildings in Texas are “safe” zones and have signs prohibiting guns.
Begining to look serious eh Rick ? I don’t like to go to acourt to see whats going on more or less be indicted and I have to go.I guess when we folks live in the real world things like this matter.
FYI From Dallas:
Poor Rickey - soon to be spreadeagled in a prison near you.
I’m not a lawyer, but the judge was probably referring to this part of Perry’s statement, that could definitely be seen as a threat:
…and that those responsible will be held to account.
When I cover his face so I can only see his eyes, they tell EVERYTHING. That is hate, contempt, and revenge all rolled into one look.