Discussion for article #222033
Dang, Godiva chocolates? He REALLY likes his constituents!
Those are some pretty expensive votes he’s buying.
Insert Ham joke here. Go ahead. You know you want to.
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
Chocolate dipped ham on a stick: It’s not your father’s arteriosclerosis any more…
Honey Baked Ham guy is a total rightwing asshole, abuses his employees while whining about how hard he has it, whut with the food regulations and all.
(TOTALLY OT: What size do I make an image to make an acceptable avatar?)
Hall doesn’t believe the 16th Amendment was properly ratified, yet still brings that sweet pork (our income taxes pay for) home lol
Actually, dark chocolate is good for you. Lotsa tannins, anti-oxidents, good for the heart, anti-inflammatory properties. If you have to eat ham, it’s good to have a dose of dark chocolate with it.
Disclaimer: moderation, and all that.
Also, for those who didn’t know. You can avoid the screaming pain later on, after the jalapeno- and habanero-eating contest with da guyz tonight, if you drink some hot cocoa or eat a bar of dark chocolate before you pass out. You’ll thank me in the morning. Dark chocolate is just that healthy-good.
Avatar size: try 80 x 80 pixels
He likes Christmas!
Well now, who among us can argue with that?
Campaign money? As in money to get people to vote for him? Sounds like a sensible investment. I’d rather get a ham than a hundred TV ads.
Well I gotta admit something. For the darrtown household chocolate, especially dark chocolate is its own food group. The darker the better. When i found this story I was snacking on chocolate nibs (chunks of the roasted but unprocessed cocoa bean that chocolate is made from) coated in dark chocolate. Other than chewing on the roasted bean itself it just cannot get any more chocolate.
“These are gifts that the congressman has been giving out for years to constituents,” Ed Valentine, a Hall campaign adviser, told BuzzFeed.
Trust me, these are the least of the gifts this guy delivered to his donors.
ham? this guy brings home the pork!
Should that come as a surprise?
Not necessarily. If they were for campaign workers it would be fairly normal.
Is it legal to use campaign funds to buy gifts for supporters? How much of a stretch is it to claim that giving away things of value isn’t vote buying?
Doing the math, a Honeybaked gift package starting at ~$90 and averaging about $120 each (including shipping) … $7,000/year isn’t that many hams. Couple of hundred+ boxes of candy, though. They gotta return on investment pretty well, I’m sure.